It is now 9:27 PM and i am still not asleep. I cant go to sleep and i am really siked about tomorrow. I like this boy named Austin and i don't want to tell him because i am afraid he won't like me back. I am never going tog o out with someone!!!!!!!!!!! And no, crazy looneytoon i dont want to go out with you!!!!!!! (A.K.A David C.) I have a best friend i talked to on the phone her name is Melanie and i am really close to her. I DID go to karate. I only did karate to see my friends and the boy i like, Nathan B. He is sooooooo cute and i hope he still likes me. Melanie tould me over the phone that he still talk's about me and stuff, but how do i know he really said that about me. I miss him SSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much i think i am going to cry :'(. He was the only boy that i REALLY LIKED when i went out with him and now i never get to see him. I wish my mom would just pay the karate bill to get it over with. I am crying right now. Gotta go anyway.
Wanting him badly, K.K (the monkey)
A Little Muggle · Tue Nov 25, 2008 @ 02:34am · 0 Comments |