A lone tree standing tall and firm, in the middle of the court yard. It was the only one left, and for not much longer might I add. The school has dreadfully decided the entire court yard would be paved over. I personally couldn’t care less what they decide to do, I’m never outside anyway. However of the last year I’ve grown attached (as odd as that sounds) to the “loner” tree, as I like to call it. It brings me some joy in this God forsaken life of mine. Everyday, homeroom feels the same. For those of you who are wondering that feeling happens to be, nothingness. I never pay attention in class, seeing as I rarely look away from the window. That window also happens to provide me with a perfect view of the loner tree. The loner tree and I are almost exactly one in the same. The only difference is that I never change, never feeling anything other that boredom and emptiness. Thought every season I remain the same, a cold, lifeless shell. Thought every season the tree never moves from the spot where it was planted, but in contrast to myself, it changes in so many other ways. It blossoms and the leaves change colours. It loses the only thing that makes it unique and different. Yet, it still manages to be as graceful and beautiful as ever. In a way the loner tree has kept me from the dreadful ideas of suicide I have in my mind. But once it’s gone, I’ll have nothing to live for. So I have decided that when the cruel and unfair creatures (humans, as they like to call themselves) come to take the life of the loner tree. I am going to willing give them my life to take as well. Rather I shall take matters into my own hands and rid my existence from this world.