Username:Sakura yuni Name:Xirian Age:16 Favorite color:Light blue Favorite Quote:"Light up the darkness,not curse it." Personal Quote:Live your life to it's full extent History:Was a pop star,a very succesfull one until someone killed her boyfriend and she had turned into a nobody.She is quiet,when happy she is quite loud at times,very secretive,curious,willing,brave,sometimes mean. Past life:A pop star back in her homeworld Maria,is looking for her world and boyfriend,after turning into a nobody,she doesnt how she wound up with organization 13,and she knows most of her past. Accent[If any]:North American Likes:Boys,history,fooling around Dislikes razz eople getting in her buisness,calling her names,looking in her eyes when asking a serious question,not knowing what she is. Friends[Can edit later]:Xion,Roxas,Xiserra,Axel. App: 
A day later the leader aproached the newest member."State your name"the voice echoed in her head,"Xirian"her unsure voice said. Other black cloaked figures stared and made Airian uncompfertable,the leader anounced-"Here is our newest member"And Xirian looked around franktically for friendly faces,but only one was found with his hood down.Xirian unsurely walked slowly to him as the other cloaked members decended from the room"why hello there little squirt"Freindly enough she put down her hood,two long pieces of hair drooped with a bob cut,and she gave a fake smile.Three other friendly faces came to her and she stepped back."Hey!"the brown haired one said hyperly,The shy one said"hello..."it slipped out of her mouth.The blond,"who are you?" as in reply she said quikly "Who are YOU?". "dont have to be snappy,i'm Roxas,This is Xion,the little one and the brown girl is Xiserra,red one,axel."."oh..sorry hi"Xirian replyed
Aizi · Sun Nov 09, 2008 @ 11:24pm · 0 Comments |