song+ close to home // enya book+ women's encyclopedia of myths and secrets scent+ hazelnut quest+ another phoenix thing, and fox paraphernalia .. kitsune mask! @.@ upper+ ryuu ^^... downer+ no ryuu currently within arms reach ;.; attire+ black top, shorts, and fluffy blankie drink+ water
Yeah so I figured I should probably make a post .. xD as the other one was getting sort of ancient ..
But annnyway .. I feel much, much better since having some time with Ryuukun. ;.; For a while I was slowly descending into this existential madness. o_O But now I'm better. ^^ Yay for that.
I won't go on about it, but I still can't believe what happened at the mall. xD We we're sooooooo close to getting the tickets to Corpse Bride. XD *dies* But no, I just had to wig out right then. ;o; My blood sugar hasn't plunged that fast in a long time. I mean, the last time it happened, I was at home, so it wasn't such a big deal. I just lay on the floor a while. XD But then one time at Scarborough it happened out of the blue. This nice lady let me lay on her blanket. xD I think that had a lot to do with my corset cutting off the circulation to my brain, however. ( This was when I had my other costume. xD )
It's one of the weirdest feelings, like your skin is melting off, and your legs turn to jelly. o_X;;; I hate that I had to do that in front of everyone and their cousin Joe, but it just happened. XD My bad. Poor Ryuukun. ^^;
I'm not nervous about this thing tomorrow really. I have an interview at Bueno. rolleyes Hopefully tomorrow I will be Gainfully Employed and a Respectable Taxpayer! =D I'm sure it will be fine. I've done this a gajillion times. It's just that I'm in large amounts of pain in the form of cramps, and I'm so tired, that frankly I just want to crash out for an extended period of time. xD
Soyeah .. oh! xD I was reading Kyu's post, and got to thinking about ghosts and other such related things. When I was little, I never really had a fear of them so much as curiosity. Mum told me they were fairies, and at any rate I never saw any. I mostly just "felt" them, you know? We had a lot of ghost cats. xD I still feel them sometimes, just not very often. Actually, I tend to notice/see/feel poltergeists a lot more than ghosts. Where I live now has a SERIOUS amount of activity. These things bother me a lot more. =/ I saw one once, and it was weird. It was this kind of whispy, amorphous cloud. It kind of writhed in the air like a snake, and it kind of meandered through the hallway and into Peeps room. I was absolutely terrified, don't get me wrong. xD But I didn't say anything and tried to go back to sleep. A couple days later mum told me that she saw something the night before, and it was the exact same thing. o.o We think it was a manifestation of Peeps and Leprechauns absolute hatred of us. At that time they were particularly hateful, as they had been constantly picking fights with everyone. x_X
But anyway, I went off on a tangent. What I meant to say was, for the most part, I'm not really afraid of them, or I don't get "ahh!" when I sense one. This sounds cheesy, but I kind of believe that those beings don't have any real power in this realm except perhaps fear. I've always felt incredibly sympathetic with ghosts. I think if I died, my number one goal would be for someone to notice me. xD I'd be terrified if all I could do was float around, invisible. I'd be like o.o "HEY YOU! *tosses a table across the room* LOOK AT ME DAMMIT!! ;_; " .. xD Also, I've kind of learned that praying helps, for me at least. So if I'm really uncomfortable, that's what I do. Through all this I've kind of become stupidly brave. Like "Hey ghost-person, can I be your friend?" xD!
Anyway .. it's October! YAY! ^o^ my favorite month of the year! Autumn leaves, cold fronts, Samhain, pumpkins .. ;o; whoo!
I've decided the first thing I have to do is save our belongings from storage before they're all sold. ;_; Hopefully mum will help on this?
Meanwhile I have to keep studying for my GED. x.x Mum was actually talking about sending me to a campus where you live somewhere way the hell north of here, to get your GED and take college classes and such. I was like .. o.O "That's nice .. " but secretly thinking hell no. xD Be seperated from my Ryuukun for a year or more? Feckin no way. XD
But anyway I've looked around and apparently there are a LOT of grants available to me. So yay! =D Then I can go to college. biggrin And learn things. And become a teacher. I've decided that I really want to be a history teacher, but as teachers these days have to be versatile, I could also English, language arts, science, reading, ect.
Basically anything except math. xD
Eek, 4 in the morning. ;.; Have to do things tomorrow. So I should probably sleep eventually. ^^; Here are some random quizes if you're bored by my ramblings. xD Much love yo! =D
 Touch. You are most connected to your sense of touch. You are a very kind person that has great plans for your future. You have many dreams and ambitions that you are going to make sure happen. You also care alot about people. You want them and yourself to be happy, but life is full of ups and downs. So, it will be really hard to stay happy ALL the time. But you don't give up. Reality scares you, but then again, how does it not? Sometimes you care about what others think of you, which isn't a good thing because others will bring you down with their criticism and hatred of you. Look past all of that and just follow your heart. Which of the five senses are you most connected to?
 You are a sprite of the Earth: You have a deep connection with the earth and all its creatures, preferring plants and animals to people you are quiet and reserved. You understand things on a different level and can often see straight through to a persons true intentions. You are mysterious to everyone even those in your family, they may live with you but that doesn't mean they 'know' the real you. Being inside the house for long periods of time can be torture, you crave the outdoors and love simply escaping up a tree or into the forest where you can be free. Although you may be smart you are easy to judge a person because you fear what they 'may' be going to do. You are wise in things that most overlook and you are very creative in many aspects like art, music, etc... Although try as they may to seek you, you are a free spirit. Just let them try to catch and put you in a cage. What type of Mythical Sprite are you?
The Viscount · Wed Oct 05, 2005 @ 10:26am · 3 Comments |