Yo peoples im back and am board as all h-e double hockey sticks!!!!i hope u guys are having fun cause im not.i have to learn how to accually do something usefull to my life and well being though.but im getting sick with three of my friends.i almost punched one of them in their stomach today,so not fun.And my sisters and family are back again to tearing each others heads off.(not literally,but i wish.)I cant wait untill my boyfriend has his lisense so he can come and steal me from this jail.Otherwise,i want one of my teachers to DIE!!!!!i was trying to help my friend out today and she yells at me for it cause shes a b***h.i really want her to die.anyways for those of you who dont acually read my journal and just skim and dont really pay attention(jessica)once again im going to REPEAT THIS ONE LAST TIME,MY HALLOWEEN SUCKED WORSE THAN ******** HELL.so PLEASE PAY ATTENTION!!!!!!!fun,typing in this journal is fun,because obviously talking to myself is highly amusing.ONLY BECAUSE NO ONE WILL LISTEN BECAUSE OBVIOUSLY IM AM THE WORST LOWLIFE ON THE PLANET BECAUSE IM NOT WORTH ANYONES ******** TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!im in a very,very,very,very,very,very,very,very,very,very,very,very,very,very,very,very,very,very,very,very,very,very,EXTREMLY yelly mood and i have no idea why.OH,wait yes i do,CAUSE IM ******** PISSED OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!next person who annoys me WILL be hospitalized.it is incredibly annoying,people are with the exception of one.i love yelling today.wow second time ive reapeted it.oh wait thats cause people(jessica)DONT PAY ATTENTION!!!!!!!so everything in this journal has been repeated twice.I think this is the longest journal post ive ever had.....i dont know but im not so board now.but im extremly annoyed with myself and everyone else,EXCEPT one person.i want to go back to school and kill someone.it sounds like fun!!!!!!i LOVE fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!so heres some icons to express the mood im in,
     ANYWAYS THATS IT!!!!!!!!BY PEOPLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!