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All my true emotions
God this sucks even more.
Stupid mouse. Stupid homework. Stupid heart. Why stupid mouse? Cuz it keeps frickin dying on me. Why stupid homework? Millions of reasons. Ill let your mind work on that one.
And why stupid heart? Becausde it hurts. It makes my eyes tear up while im typing, and it's pain is too strong. I have no idea why this happens. I feel like I want to die. I would never kill myself, though. I'm always sure that it'll go away. But it doesn't. I think it's because i feel unnecepted.
I'm always wondring..... if my friends are really my friends. Sure, sometimes I can get them to smile. The guy ones I feel comfortable around. But the girls...... I'm always wondering if they're secretly going to eachothers houses w/o me. Im forever wondring if the times they don't laugh at my jokes, they are secretly hating me in their mind. And I guess that I will never know if I will have any true girl friends.
And that is why I hate my heart. Because it hurts so bad.
And the pain won't go away.


they call me bonnie.[/align:a98f48d206][/color:a98f48d206][/size:a98f48d206]

the riveting rose
Community Member
the riveting rose

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