This is incredibly strange that Im writing another journal entry today, but I guess Im too bored to do anything else... Im going to make this as short as I can.
I dont know why im writing more when there's nothing to write about. The only thing I can really write is that there is nothing to write about except that there is nothing to write about nothing, but there is. I dont really care if you dont know what Im talking about, but I hope you didnt look at this and think 'wow that looks very interesting' and then when you read it you find out that this journal entry is actually about completely nothing. I am so bored that I looked up boring on youtube and this is the most boring video I found of a man mowing his lawn:
You would have to be a real idiot to watch all nine minutes of this. But you probably wont even know that I said that becuse nobody reads my journals and now they have a pretty good reason why not to aswell.
So goodbyes from boreville Ill see you again soon and try and put something interesting on here next time
* and here's a reward if you read this all:

wow stare
getty6000 · Fri Oct 10, 2008 @ 10:51pm · 0 Comments |