heart heart heart heart So my babes is soo sweet! I loves him mutches blaugh hehe anywhozer Ive got nutten better to do than brag an tecnecly its not braggin if nobody reads it anyways hahaha so anywho heres y im braggin tehe! blaugh heart
Your the most beautiful person anyone could ever meet. Its like we are all in a flower bed. Everyone is some kind of flower and some of us are just weeds. But you, you are the beautiful butterfly that makes us wilt with a glimce of your beauty. Your beauty puts the stars to shame.
Hehe blaugh 4laugh so thats my latest love letter from my babe! ^^ hehe Im sry im obsessive but yesh. hehe I have a right to be! heart
![]() xX Kali Elizabeth Xx Community Member ![]() |