This pretty little kitty turns ten-years-old today and not a day has went by that I did not fall harder in love with her. She means more to me then I could ever explain to anyone; it is putting it very lightly to say that Candle is like my baby.
And because it is her birthday, and because Candle-chan likes for me to talk about her and tell her how wonderful she is, I am going to list ten random facts about my favorite Maine Coon for anyone else that might like to know more about my fluffy companion.
Candle sleeps in different parts of the apartment on different things depending on what time of year it is, what the weather is like, and even what mood she is in. In the winter she sleeps on her kitty blankey on the back of the couch, for instance, or under the couch in the bedroom when she wants to have quiet-time. For sometimes my coddling gets on her nerves, and like the little celebrity she is, she requires her fan to leave her be sometime.
She will drink tuna water but will not eat the tuna itself unless it has been given the sammich treatment (meaning boiled eggs, mayo, and a pinch of salt has been added), she will eat green beans and cheese but is not too fond of certain meats, and when you open a bag of Doritoes, she materializes right before you as if she was really there all along, and somehow you missed something that cute and fluffy.
Candle digs on KoRn, Disturbed, and once I caught her swishing her tail in time to a Static-X song, so I am pretty sure she digs that band, too. Just don't play Shakira. She will have none of that.
She was highly amused by a Fiddler Crab for about five minutes and then went to take a nap. When he was scuttling about all side-ways and waving his big claw at her she was bemused and curious about his personage...but one bap of a dainty little white paw sent him flying and she just did not seem to want anything else to do with him after that.
Candle likes to be read to, preferably when we are having a lazy day and we've camped out on the couch with blanket and the sun is outside. It seems to relax her; if it is a rainy day she wants to sit in the back bedroom window and smell the air.
This will not be too shocking to anyone to read, but the Fluffy really does not like baths. It is a most ridiculous embarrassment. However, the fussing over her, and the treats and brushing afterwards seem to appease her. She wants to be told how pretty and soft she is after she has dried, but during the bath she cries and cries and cries...And gives me looks that would kill a lesser being.
When the RP that Flare was born out of was being played, we all called Candle our Fuzzy Galactus (yes, we had a reason) and she had a hairball on everyone's character sheet but one. And it was not Flare's.
A bunch of her toys consist of random die, strewn all over the apartment, and when you roll one to her she will bap it...and it is always a damn good roll.
Fluffly likes outside a lot. Fluffy also likes seeing the neighbor kitties in the windows of the other apartments. Fluffy does not like when the one neighbor kitty- by the name of BT- decides to come into her apartment when the door gets opened. That makes the Fluffy very cranky.
Her first toy was a red ribbon that I took pictures of her with when she was only around seven months old...and she still has that ribbon, and still kills it every chance she gets.
Happy Birthday, little Candle, and many, many happy more. heart