Wanna hear wat he told me hu hu hu??? well 2 bad cuz im tellin you anywho! So I asked him y he picked me an heres wat he said:
Well its was because i saw u that first night and i thought 2 myself 'y dose halen get all the pritty girls?' i mean your beauty was shining brighter than the brightest star. Then when i saw you at the tc... it was as if god was sending me a message telling me to start my life. And he gave me an angel to help me along. But i started to fall in love with that angel. She stole my heart and never gave it bak. Idk how elce to expline but all i do no is now contained inside my soul. Because you still have my heart. I love you baby girl.
heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart

~*~*~*~K@$! - Childhood is one of the greatest gifts. ~*~*~*~