A man stood at the door and yelled "Shiva dont be to rough on the ice for it is still fairly thin even though the harsh cold winter had frozen it.". The girl , Shiva, had not heard him and still ran towwards the frozen pond. It was then gab realized that if Shiva were to step in the spot he had cut through then she would surely fall in.
Worried that she would see him he desided to use his ice ray to thicken his entry point, and as he did so Shiva ran strait into the ice and sliped. The ice began to crack as she tried to get up, but she wasnt quik enough and the ice split from under her. She was thrashing trying to get back out of the ice cold water, but within seconds hypothermia was starting to set in. Gab, terrified now, desided to help her so he pushered her out of the water, but he knew it wasnt enough the man had gone inside already and she was not strong enough to reach the cottage.
Gab was thinking weather to risk going near the human home knowing that everysecond Shiva's survival chances depleated. Finaly 20 seconds later he gained up enough courage to bring her up to the house; he slid under her and coiled around her just enough to hang on and was very carefull not to squeeze to tight. Foot by foot he grew closer and for every foot closer he got he got that much more nervous, and as he grew more nervous he started to squeeze tighter without noticeing. By the time he was 20 feet away from the cottage Shiva coughed from chokeing . It was then Gab realized his grip was dangerously tight he quikly released and checked if she was O.K. To his relief the cough had alerted him quikly enough for him to let go in time, five seconds longer and she could have died. Gab trying to stay calm now coiled around her again still makeing sure he wasnt squeezeing tightly and started for the house again. Every 2 feet he'd stop and check for a split second. Finaly when he reached the door he released her and hit the door with his tail to get there attention. As the door opened he raced off as fast as he could to avoid being seen, When he looked back to see if they found her he saw the man with Shiva in his arms. Just then the man yelled to him as loud as he could " Thank You". He was relieved there was not much danger and he may visit there again for now he knew that it was not dangerous near the cottage by the little pond. It was noon now... pg.2
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