yea alot change recently but its getting better though... well i hope it stays this way anyway lol well since i turn 18 this pass july i moved out the day after and moved in with my fiance and we are doing good with just us but man i really dont like my job but its getting better i hope that all the people wont be slobs and throw all the clothes on the floor i get so mad picking up after there a**, i use to work at a dollar store now i work at a clothing store where its only around the corner but its fine heart i dont get paid as much i was at 7.25 and now i am at 6.50 it sucks its not even minimum wage so it sucks but its ok though i have a job to pay bills and get what i want and need but its ok tho just hope things get better soon over there once i get the hang of it, my first job over family dollar my manger at the time was awesome then she went on and be a new manger to a clothing store far away and i hope that i could work for her again the only reason i left them is because of the new manger he called me a b***h for leaving he is nice but dude he is a back stabber that ******** i dont care about him now... i want my check and i am leaving him he has to pay me no matter what i am getting it this friday i get really good checks after working over here its so worth it >< but i cant drive so i need the job i have now the money will make it up for the gas difference...hell least its not accross town like family dollar was but its all cool lol yay job damn the hard work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
![]() ii Yamako Yami ii Community Member ![]() |