Welcome one and all to the sugar high of your life!
This is my first real mini shop and I'm glad to finally be sharing it with the gaia community. =^^= I've been meaning to open a shop for awhile now and I've happily settled on a name! I hope I can be of service to you and I will work to the best of my ability for each and everyone of you. Even if I were doing this for free I'd still strive to do the best I possibly could.
What is this shop's purpose you ask? Well, simply put I'm not extactly sure. You see, I have an idea of what I want to do...but not the extent of what. I do know that the first item of business will be Avi Art. Yes, your pixilated self from your mind to my fingers only to return to you once again in the form of lead on trees. Isn't it splendid? If not, it ought to be.
While you feel that bliss try on the second order of business: Fanfiction. Ok,ok. So that's not all it is. Though I do do Fanfics, I may or may not be acquainted with an anime, so it'll be best to ask me about a specific anime or manga. I have a, to say the least, odd style of writing. If you couldn't already pick that out. I wish to get back into writing further than just merely rping and the best way to do that is to sift though the minds of other people for insperation. So if you're not a great writer, or you'd rather another style besides your own, then this is the place.
I spread myself around over all the genres, so just about anything you ask of me I can do. Action, Drama, Romance, Fantasy, Futuristic, Medieval, Sifi, Philosophy,(etc.)...
You want bloody? No problem!
You want lovey-dovey to the point of turning one's stomach? No problem!
You want something to make a reader think? You got it! I'll totally p0w3n their brain for you.
You get my drift.
  I'm not a stickler, so don't head for the hills just because there're large bold...underlined....red letters at the top of this.
1.} Do not pass off my work as your own. You want to use it somewhere that's perfectly fine, you're paying for it afterall. I work hard for you so please respect my work.
2.} If you ask me to do something in the nude not only will it cost extra, but I'll have to e-mail it to you. I don't have anything against nudity personally, but I'd rather exchange thoes types of things outside of gaia jurisdiction. The same goes for writings that contain a higher maturity rating than PG-13. (Meaning if you send a request for a sexual position, sex scene or something over the top carnal
3.} Don't flame my s**t, yo. If you don't like it, ignore it and don't buy it. No one is forcing you to induldge here.
4.} If I'm willing to trust in your ability to follow through and give me payment after I work, then you damn well better do it. I'm doing this for many reasons, your benifit as well as my own; so please do not waste my time. I am questing for a very expensive item and so every gold counts.
5.} Clutter: Is not pretty, is not do-able. I tried, believe me I did, but there just isn't enough concentration for me to include all of your stuff. Tone it down or I won't be able to help you on avi art.
6.} Miss use my thread, my shop, or miss treat anyone in this thread and I will report you. I don't want to, but if you are unruly I will not allow you to make a mockery of anyone or anything here.
7.} No hot linking please. When I post an image to be picked up or a document file, I expect you to find another place to host it. I'll give you ample time to find another place to store your order. If you need longer, simply pm me. photobucket is a nice site for this.
8.} As nice of a person as I am I will not allow you to beg. For one it's degrading, not only to yourself, but me. For another I'm not asking for much, honestly.

Post your applications here or send them to me Via PM. I will total up the cost for you, explaining each step to my sum. I will not gyp you, I promise. If there happens to be something that needs negociating I will speak with you further on that.
Sketch/Avi Art
[b][u]Username[/u]:[/b] (you know the drill) [b][u]Style[/u]:[/b](Chibi; Anime; Animal) [b][u]Include[/u]:[/b](Head Shot; Couple; ect.) [b][u]Text[/u]:[/b](Computer text, or artistic Letters done by hand) [b][u]Shading[/u]:[/b](Shading takes more time out of my day, so there is a fee to that.) [b][u]Preferred Rating[/u]:[/b] (G; PG-13; M; etc.)
[b][u]Username[/u]:[/b] (you know the drill) [b][u]Style[/u]:[/b] (Poem; Fanfic; etc) [b][u]Expected Duration[/u]:[/b] (A poem would be short a story extended; just general) [b][u]Genre[/u]:[/b] (What type of story is it going to be?) [b][u]Preferred Rating[/u]:[/b] (G; PG-13; M; etc.) [b][u]Setting[/u]:[/b] (What era/time period is it set in?) [b][u]Theme[/u]:[/b] (Give me the run down on your story's main idea.)
 Avi Art: Chibi_*-*_100 Anime_*-*_300 Animal_*-*_ 400
Head Shot _*-*_150 Is, you guessed it, a floating head.
Shoulder Frame
_*-*_250 Head, neck and shoulders
_*-*_350 Head to waist; or head to top of pelvic area.
Full Body
_*-*_500 T'is what is seems.
_*-*_650 Two people, intimate, affectionate or otherwise.
_*-*_700 (depends on No. in group) Three or more people.
Literature: Post Revision_*-*_ 50 gold If you are in need of a second pair of eyes to scan your reply post I'm totally there. A simple low fee no matter the size. Poetry_*-*_ 500 gold Commission me to write a poem. Specific types of poetry may vary in price.(exp: haiku) Short Story_*-*_ Negociate Like a one shot. This type of story is over and done with a quick rise to a climax and a very short conclusion. Story/Tale_*-*_ Negociate This is an on going process taking a good deal of commitment and time. In the event that I am writing a story for you, I will write in chapters. Payment will occur after each chapter. Fanfiction_*-*_ Negociate Tell me the anime, tell me your fancy. What would you like to see happen to your favorite anime characters? Tell me and I will give you what you desire. Payment is dependent on length and depth of research required for myself to understand the persona of the characters in question.
Now for the deciding factor in your approval or disapproval of this shop: the examples! Yay! =^^= I hope that my art strikes someone's interest. 3nodding
Avi ArtChibiX-x-X AnimeX- x- X- x- XOtherX- x- X- x- XAsk me for writing samples.
lollipop-heart-stab · Fri Aug 29, 2008 @ 02:27am · 0 Comments |