What a word. Like most words, it is interpreted diferently by all. Some of us see revenge as bad and sinful, but others see as just another thing done. And it is just another thing done by people. But most do differently. For some, revenge is just getting back at someone onetime for something they did, only to last in the moment. But some people get so caught up in their revenge that they don't really realize that their revenge may leave a mark, or last forever in the eyes of people. Child's revenge-putting salt in the sugar container. That revenge is more for laughs. For the brief immediate gratification of someone elses discomfort. But the discomefort is mild. It lasts for that second, for a moment, and not a moment more. But others who seek bigger revenge for something bigger that happened to them. But why even seek revenge in the first place? It's all about getting even. When there really is nothing to "get even" with. People will ALWAYS be on uneven terms with each other, even if it is just in a mild way. Others who are VERY uneven want to be only on the higher end of this "un-evenness" They say they want to get even, when they really want to have the last laugh and be higher than the other person. From salt in the sugar container because you found your socks on the roof...to...Murder because you found your girlfriend with another man. Revenge is sought in many ways. Many people cannot comtrol how angry they get, so they cannot comtrol how much revenge they take out on some one. You are hurt because of someone, so you fell they must be hurt back, but it depends on how badly you were hurt by this person. SOme seek revenge for pride. They must not be cowards in the eyes of friends. If your "friends" see you as a coward because you don't hurt someone back for hurting you, then they are not real friends. It could be that someone tries to damage your reputation or your pride, so you must get that back. It depends on what kind of reputation you have. If you have a rep of being tough and not taking anything from anyone, then you have to keep building that up. But that kind of rep is not one that you want to have. You carry your rep with you for life. I know some say not to worry about your rep and just be who are. But who you are is your reputation, its what kind of print you'll leave in this world when you are gone. So YES, worry about your reputation, but only if you wish to have a good one. A reputation is not worth having or keeping if all you do is hurt others, and ultamitley yourself...
So...Steph has pretty much abandoned Gaia, so I, IndefatigableAnaphora, her wonderful sister, will be popping in on this account occasionally to grab some gold for her. Maybe if I make her rich, she'll want to start playing again. So, um...kthnxbai. rawr.
Stellar Steph11 · Wed Aug 13, 2008 @ 09:17pm · 0 Comments |