Today was ok i guess. Nothing very interesting, nothing to extremely boring. Just
watchin my stuff in the arena, which few people seem to like...im up loading more
photos onto photobucket right now, 13% *starts countin...11, yes,11 seconds go
by* 14%! yay! wow...this is going to take FOREVER!!!...17%...i still need 2 do 2
more chapters in "Things Fall Apart" tonight, don't worry...i'll get done...eventually.
...21%...I just got a memory card reader so im still figuring everything out. putting
everything on facebook, photobucket, and here. phew. its a lot of work, believe it or
not...28%...I got my b-day gift form aunt the other day. I picked it out. its a t-shirt
that says "carnivore no more" which is totally true, and totally me. i luv it <3
even it is from...her...34%]...I hope that tomorrow will be fun. not telling yet what
im doin...shhhhh...its a secret, not really, i just dont wanna say yet...43%...well
at least im buring some time here typing...so im not just sittting here, bored,
waiting...for...all...of...the...pics...to...load...48%--UGH!!!! NOT EVEN HALFWAY!!!
this really is going to take FOR-FREKING-EVER. oh well...i be paitent......--------
now lets see where its at...58% WOOOOOOO serious progress!!! k bored with this
heart ~Stephanie~ heart cheese_whine
So...Steph has pretty much abandoned Gaia, so I, IndefatigableAnaphora, her wonderful sister, will be popping in on this account occasionally to grab some gold for her. Maybe if I make her rich, she'll want to start playing again. So, um...kthnxbai. rawr.
Stellar Steph11 · Sat Jul 26, 2008 @ 03:47am · 0 Comments |