Nabarui no Ou Characters:

Banten village:
Miharu Rokujo (六条 壬晴, Rokujō Miharu?) Voiced by: Rie Kugimiya The protagonist of the series, Rokujo is a 14-year-old middle school student. He holds Nabari's hijutsu, the Shinrabanshō, in his body. He pretends to act indifferent to those around him in order to protect them from getting hurt, though he is not averse to acting in a rather innocent and cute way in order to get what he wants. Though seemingly apathetic, he does have feelings and is sensitive to those around him. He cares for animals, such as his cat Shiratama. He remembers little of his childhood, and had lost his parents at a young age. His only goal is to inherit his family's okonomiyaki store. He was born on October 10.
Thobari Kumohira Durandal (雲平・帷・デュランダル, Kumohira Tobari Dyurandaru?) Voiced by: Daisuke Namikawa Rokujo's and Kouichi's 25-year-old teacher in the "front world". Born in Ireland on March 17, Kumohira is actually a ninja of the Banten village in the world of Nabari. He is entirely devoted to protecting Rokujo, and wants him to become the ruler of Nabari. He has an intense hatred of transport, such as trains and buses, and would not get on one until Rokujo manages to "persuade" him. He went to Japan because his grandfather was a "Japan otaku" and "ninja fanatic", who forced him to go to learn to become a ninja, and was unable to return home for ten years (partly due to his phobia of vehicles). In the anime, he is the temporary leader as the current leader is away, while in the manga, he is not just a stand-in, but actually has the power to arrange for a temporary leader. According to Aizawa, Kumohira has probably recorded Banten's kinjutsu through verbal communication.
Kouichi Aizawa (相澤 虹一, Aizawa Kōichi?) Voiced by: Satoshi Hino Rokujo's 14-year-old classmate who studies nindō under Kumohira. Though he normally has an energetic attitude when around others, he is serious and relentless when it comes to his ninja duties, and is apparently fascinated with death. It is later revealed that his love of death is a result of his own inability to die. His immortality is attributed to the holder of the Shinrabanshō during the Edo Period, who was a medical practitioner, experimenting with placing the wisdom of the Shinrabanshō into animals, since humans usually died. There were only two survivors of the experiments, both of whom gained immortality as a result. Kōichi's ultimate goal is to find a way to die, as well as ensure that "monsters [like himself] are never created again." He was born on July 31.
Fūma village:
Kotarō Fūma (風魔 小太郎, Fūma Kotarō?) Voiced by: Ryōtarō Okiayu The leader of Fūma village, who has written almost all the texts regarding ninjutsu and the Shinrabanshō. He knows all about the world of Nabari and ninja techniques, with the exception of the kinjutsus of other villages. He loves women, as most of the residents of his village are female, and he claims that if he had the power of the Shinrabanshō, he would turn the Fūma village into a paradise where all the women of the world are in love with him. However, according to Raimei, he is lying ninety percent of the time. He has spies hidden within the other ninja villages. According to him, he was born on December 31 at exactly 23:59.
Raimei Shimizu (清水 雷鳴, Shimizu Raimei?) Voiced by: Ayumi Fujimura Born on April 1, Raimei is a 14-year-old guardian of the world of Nabari, and the head of the Shimizu clan. She is also a Fūma-nin (風魔の忍, Fūma no nin?, "Wind Magic/Demon Ninja" wink who prefers fighting with a sword (named Kurogamon (黒我聞, Kurogamon?) over using ninjutsu, claiming to be a samurai. She has the tendency to mistake one person for another, or reveal information she means to keep to herself, when excited. Five years ago, her older brother, Raikō, annihilated their clan, and she has sworn to kill him in revenge.
Saraba (サラバ, Saraba?) Voiced by: Akeno Watanabe Kotarō's second-in-command, Saraba is a no-nonsense woman, who occasionally trains with Raimei, and acts much like an older sister to her and Jūji. She calls to inform Raimei when Raikō is spotted, and stays with her in Kanagawa while they train and look for him.
Jūji Minami (南 十字, Minami Jūji?) Voiced by: Kimiko Koyama A 12-year-old Fūma village ninja who works as a medic. Her cooking is terrible, and her own mother says that she is only good at tasting food. Saraba teases her, and it is implied that she may have a crush on Miharu.
The Kairōshū (灰狼衆, Kairōshū? lit. "Ash Wolf Pack/Ash Wolves" wink is a squad of elite ninja serving the Iga village, and is led by Hattori Tōjūrō.
Tojūrō Hattori (服部 柊十郎, Hattori Tojūrō?) Voiced by: Jōji Nakata The 59-year-old leader of the Iga clan and the Kairōshū who serves as a political critic in the front world.
Ichiki (一季, Ichiki?) Voiced by: Yuri Amano A member of the Kairōshū, who is often seen in the company of Tojūrō. She is also the leader of Kasa (傘, lit. "Umbrella"?), a secret intelligence unit that is part of the Ministry of Defense. She gives the order to kill Kōichi and Raimei, as part of their plan to curtail the power of the Fūma ninjas.
Suikō-Han The Suikō-han (実地遂行班, Suikō-han? lit. "Actual Site Accomplishment Party" wink is a sub-division of the Kairōshū that handles operations in the field. Most of these assignments have to do with the stealing of Kinjutsusho from other villages, like Fūma village's "Tenpenka."
Yoite (宵風, Yoite?) Voiced by: Mitsuki Saiga Real name: Koudou Sora (?) (香道そら) Age: 16 Birthday: Latter third of December (according to himself) Height: 180cm Weight: 53kg Shoe Size: 26cm Blood type: Unknown Likes: Night scenery, Chikuzen'ni (A chicken stew with taro and burdock root, and carrot) Hates: Bright place, People who judge others solely on their outward appearance Skills: Pitching, Mental Math Kinjutsu: Kira
A 16-year-old ninja in the Kairōshū who uses the forbidden technique "kira". This technique shoots the user's ki into the body of a target and controls it from the inside out, which can cause the target's bones to break or their body to completely explode. The cost of using this technique is the loss of the user's life force, gradually losing their five senses and eventually dying. According to volume 4, he has roughly two more months to live. In anime version, he has a few months to live. He slowly begins to form a bond with Miharu after a promise that the two made to each other. He will protect Miharu to gain what he wants. Although, in the beginning he tells Miharu that he will kill Miharu's friends if the promise is not fulfilled. That promise was, by using the Shinrabanshou, Miharu would erase Yoite. Later, Yoite reveals that he does not actually want to die, and wonders if he ever truly was alive. In chapter 47, Yoite tells Miharu that he never actually put his ki into any of Miharu's friends. He just said that so Miharu would do what he wants. It is also revealed in 47 that Yoite is neither male or female. Yoite was even shorter, and more fragile than Miharu before the side effect of kira starts, which makes Yoite grew into maturity in just 3 days. It was mentioned that Yoite was covered with blood when Hattori Tojūrō took him back to Kairōshū. Hattori knew the secret of Yoite and persuade Miharu not to fulfill his desire. At the end of the chapter Miharu and Yoite betrayed Kairōshū and escaped to Banten village. Yoite's real name has finally been revealed in chapter 46. His real name is Sora. He seems to have a younger brother named Koudou Tsukasa. Assuming that they're actually related, Yoite's full name may be Koudou Sora. It is also said that his parents abandoned him when he was a child and he hasn't seen them since then. Yoite visited the church three times a month, sitting alone on the last row of the church just gazing at the light from the window. Kids never went near him nor hurt him. This lasted for three years until two years ago, when Tsukasa took him away from the town. Yoite hasn't come back since then.
Kazuhiko Yukimi (雪見 和彦, Yukimi Kazuhiko?) Voiced by: Kenjirō Tsuda A 27-year-old ninja and member of the Kairōshū who acts as a squad leader on missions. He lives with Yoite, and is protective of him, caring for him as his health degenerates. He is also a comrade of Raikō, whom he occasionally goes on missions with. While he tries to act cool, he is also known for childish outbursts, which are usually directed at Raikō.
Hijutsu Kenkyū-Han The Hijutsu Kenkyū-han (秘術研究班, Hijutsu Kenkyū-han? lit. "Hijutsu Research Party" wink investigates information regarding the Shinrabanshō, as well as ways to extract and control it.
Kazuho Amatatsu (天立 和穂, Amatatsu Kazuho?) Kazuho Amatatsu (née Yukimi), is a 26-year-old member of the Kairōshū's Hijutsu Kenkyū-han. She has a medical license to be a doctor, but is currently working in a sushi restaurant. According to the anime, her husband owns a sushi restaurant. She is Yukimi's younger sister,[34] and acts as Yoite's personal physician. She also visits her brother and Yoite to have them try food she is learning to make.
The Wakachi (分刀, Wakachi?), also known as the Zōhansha Torishimari-nin (造反者取締人, Zōhansha Torishimari-nin? lit. "Rebel Supervisors" wink is a sub-division of the Kairōshū, responsible for managing rebels within the organization, often by killing them.
Raikō Shimizu (清水 雷光, Shimizu Raikō?) Voiced by: Junichi Suwabe A 20-year-old samurai of the Shimizu family, and a member of the Kairōshū. He is rumored to have singlehandedly massacred everyone in his clan except for his younger sister, Raimei. and then joined the Kairōshū. However, it turns out, that Raiko was not the actual perpetrator. Rather, through a badly staged coup d'etat on the part of his much adored uncle, Raiko's mother dies defending him, and begs her son to avenge, both her and his father. He is rather easygoing, but he takes his responsibilities very seriously. He admits that he is not adept at photography, usually messing up the photo. Also, though he claims to be a good driver, he once drives himself and the rest of his teammates into a river. Running jokes about him are his questionable fashion sense and implications that he is a sadist.
Gau Meguro (目黒 俄雨, Meguro Gau?) Voiced by: Nobuhiko Okamoto A 16-year-old who was saved by Raikō 3 years ago, and is thus extremely devoted to him. He assists Raikō with his responsibilities to the Kairōshū, usually compiling reports and taking samples from their targets. He is easily riled up, and Yukimi gives him the nickname "Tenpa-kun" (テンパ君, "Tenpa-kun"?), from the slang tenparu (テンパる, tenparu? lit. "About to blow a fuse" wink . He believes that the cause of the Wakachi is just protecting the front world from the evils of Nabari. He is an idealist, who believes that the Shinrabanshō can be used to save the world.
Other characters:
Yae Oda (織田 八重, Oda Yae?) Voiced by: Satsuki Yukino The leader of Togakushi village. She also serves as the President of Fog Blue, a small-scale dispatch company, which is the form that Togakushi village takes in the front world. She can use the forbidden technique of her village, Izura Shingan (飯綱心眼, Izura Shingan? lit. Izura's Mind's Eye), which gives its user the ability to see into the hearts of others.[45] She gives the Banten ninjas the scroll containing Izura Shingan, on the condition that they assassinate a Professor Flosetti for her.
Sōrō Katō (加藤 候, Katō Sōrō?) Voiced by: Tetsuya Kakihara A subordinate of Yae Oda, who turns out to be a spy for Kotarō Fūma. He is later seen working in a front world library that also contains documents on the world of Nabari. He admittedly loves Yae,[48] but is not allowed to return to Togakushi village or the company because he betrayed her. Despite this, he expresses desires to return there.
Hanabusa Seki (関 英, Seki Hanabusa?) Thobari's 40-year-old live-in lover, who works as a paleontologist, often away on work-related business. She knows that Thobari is a ninja, however, she does not understand any of the details about the world of Nabari because he has not told her.
Shijima Kurookano (黒岡野 しじま, Kurookano Shijima?) A student at the front world version of Kōga village, a school called Alya Academy. She goes after Miharu and Yoite, when the Alya students start attacking the Kairōshū and the Banten ninjas, revealing herself as inhuman. After the battle, she awards Miharu Kōga village's forbidden technique, Daya (蛇薬, Daya? lit. "Serpent Medicine" wink . When not in human form, she is disguised as Miharu's cat, Shiratama. She is the other immortal survivor of the experiments performed during the Edo Period, the end result of using the Shinrabanshō to give an ordinary cat a "human heart.
Information from Wikipedia
ODDI-NIM · Sun Jul 13, 2008 @ 09:23pm · 0 Comments |