song+ New World // Wild Divine book+ Half-Blood Prince scent+ shrimp quest+ kitty or wolf tail, fixing blog upper+ New hair @_@ downer+ lonely attire+ various sleeping-type cloths chat+ neh drink+ water
I cooked dinner for one tonight, it was rather depressing. (Veggies and chicken, good hobbit food xD) Although me grandma just microwaved some shrimp. Le drool. But I must resist. x_x Esmerelda is having some kind of surgery. sad I'm very worried about him, although it is a minor type of surgery, but he's nervous and everything. D: I can tell because he makes jokes when he's nervous. =/ But he'll be okeee. *nodnod* x.x
Ehh, el Leperachanos and el Peep are back. x____-;; *hides*
I misseth me Ryuukun a goodly amounteth. ;___;
Well my hair is very blonde now. ^o^;; And to honor the occasion, I edited my little pixilated Hogwarts doll. Yay! xD I also adopted a very adorable Gothic Lolita babydoll .. doll. XD It's on me blog currently, acting as my avatar.
Oh! And ... -o- I don't know what to do with my blog. I managed to get rid of all the popups except the two - and one of them crashes my computer every time. ;____; So except when I'm editing, I can't even look at it. Is this happening with anyone else? If so, I'm verrah sorry. ;.; I may move to blogspot if I can figure out how that thing even works. x_x;;
If mum doesn't come home tonight I shall be sad. ;___; *wails*
Mehhh @.@ I went quiz-crazy.
 The Obnoxiously Orange Turkish Spork! What oddly colored spork are you?
 What type of magic do you wield?
The Viscount · Fri Aug 19, 2005 @ 06:00am · 5 Comments |