Hellraiser at Future Shop A true story by: Krysil (aka Kristin)
Once upon a time there was a girl who had a laptop. This laptop was the source of most her entertainment and happiness. One day the laptop felt ill and she took it to the laptop doctors at Future Shop. These doctors told her that the source of all her laptop's power to make her happy was broken and so would have to be sent away to another more specialized doctor to make it feel better. This operation was to take "8 to 10 business days." This was not to be so. The doctors were actually evil WITCH doctors bent on destroying the girl and all reminants of her happiness.
After the first "8 to 10 business days" were up she went down to the Future Shop doctors expecting to see her little bundle of joy all ready to go. The doctors bowed their heads in sorrow and explained that the laptop was not ready yet and she should come back in another "8 to 10 business days." Sadly, the girl left empty handed and returned home. The next "8 to 10 business days" passed and she called the doctors awaiting some news. Again, the doctors shook their heads and said that there was a mix up and her laptop had not been sent to the specialist yet but will be sent this day so it would be ready in "8 to 10 business days." The girl was very upset to hear how the laptop and herself had been overlooked but sighed and let it pass.
Another "8 to 10 business days" passed and again the girl called upon the doctors for some news. The doctors told her that her laptop had still not returned from the specialist and they would call her the moment they had news. The girl now began to grow weary of these 'doctors' and a growing seed of anger festered in her heart but she let it pass for another "8 to 10 business days."
As the last "8 to 10 business days" arrived she went to the doctors of Future Shop and asked them of her laptop. They replied the same as always but requested that their head doctor call on her to tell her news later that day. She granted them the request and was called upon twice. The first was to say that a week previous they had heard news of her laptop and that it was needing a transplant that would not arrive until a week from this day. The girl was angry that the doctors had not told her this news earlier. The second was to say that her laptop would not be well and returned until 3 weeks from the present day. The girl was irrate. Her laptop would be away from her for 2 and 1 half months upon the day they said it would be fixed. The little seed of anger that had been festering in her heart finally planted firmly a great ire of hatred toward the doctors and took control of her whole body.
Ravished with this anger and total need to destroy Future Shop the girl bolted for the doctors at an unpresidented pace. She entered their dwelling and demanded to know what was going on. The leader of the Future Shop told her the same as their head doctor and she became angrier with every word he said. He told her that they were waiting on a transplant, he told her their was nothing he could do, he told her they have no record of her calling every week on the condition of her laptop, he told her they have no "Compensation Program," he told her to get a Future Shop card and buy a new laptop. She told them she wasn't impressed, she told them to go &^%$ themselves, she told them many verbally assualting things in a very loud and unexpectedly angry voice, she glared at them with the utmost hatred, she demanded compensataion and she told them to go shove their Future Shop card where the sun don't shine. The leader of Future Shop turned a bright red but stood fast with his shoulders shrugged and hands stretched out "Sowwy, we cwant hewlp oo." The girl would have continued her assault but seeing the futileness of it told them she would return in full force...in "8 to 10 business days"
krysil · Thu Aug 18, 2005 @ 08:14pm · 0 Comments |