Chapter 17: A Nation Gets Funky |
song+ Constant Sorrow // O Brother, Where Art Thou? book+ Half-Blood Prince scent+ nay quest+ kitty or wolf tail upper+ hopefully work @.@ downer+ atomosphobia, noisy upstairs neighbors attire+ black pants, white tank chat+ me Ryuukun <3 drink+ ice water
You know what I wanna see?
George Bush interviewed by Jon Stewart.
Ha, ha, ha!
XD Seriously folks. Jon would eat him alive. That would be heaven to watch. xD
Bush is, without a doubt, the most retarded and WAR MONGERING b*****d I have ever had the misfortune to lay eyes on. Absolutely. With. Out. A. Doubt.
The world hates us. Our people are dying. Thank you, George Herbert Walker Pomegranate Vestibule Piedmont Harrington Bush the Second.
With all these talks about Iran, and Bush giving his tired old 'war is the last option BUT ...' speech, and the upstairs neighbors stomping around loudly and DRIVING ME INSANE ..... (I am determined to finish this sentence if it kills me) .. and the constant bitching of my grandma, aunt, and El Retardo Leprechaunos ...
.. well, I'm really loosing it. o.o
I really, really am.
I have been steadily becoming more and more unstable the last few weeks. Everything terrifies me, even things that aren't real, and things I shouldn't even be worrying about. Even loud noises are causing me to jump eighty feet in the air and have a heart attack. I'm feeling extremely on edge and violent and I tend to lash out at everybody even when they haven't really done anything wrong. It makes me feel terrible. I feel .. like .. well, I feel like my mind is teetering on the edge of an endless precipice, like I'm drowning in the logic of nothing, like I'm some kind of phantom just barely clutching to life, just barely existing. And I'm terrified of letting go, of dying.
Absolutely terrified.
x_XAnyway. Job interview today .. well, I have no idea how it went. It was weird. x.x; I think I did okay, but who knows? I'm supposed to come back on .. Tuesday? I think. I hope it goes well. I reeeeaaaaallllly need a job. Really.
In other news, I saw Kill Bill Vol. 2, and I'm totally re-obsessed with such things as swords and corny but violent 70's kung-fu movies. Also, eye-patches.
Have also decided that going as Black Mamba for Halloween would be totally kick a**.
I am ...
 Who Are You?
The Viscount · Sun Aug 14, 2005 @ 02:29am · 6 Comments |