(In order of WANT)
Coal Gunner Coat
Emo Glasses [1400g]
Dark Halo [168,744g]
Demonic Anklets [66,598g]
Demonic Pendant [486,283]
Demonic Mood Bubble [397,499]
Emo Glasses [1400g]
Dark Halo [168,744g]
Demonic Anklets [66,598g]
Demonic Pendant [486,283]
Demonic Mood Bubble [397,499]
(the prices are based on marketplace average price)
It looks something like this:

Items I already have:
Fox Ears [traded from my other account]
Gray Torque Top
Neutral Punk Starter Pants
Black Leather Belt
Black Gloves
Charcoal Sketchbook
I would appreciate donations, but I'm not begging. Just trying to make meh avatar look worth something <3
I will be sure to acknowledge anyone who DOES donate, however.