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Nyx Zeta
Community Member
I saw the movie "the mist" on friday with my boy friend (it was my birhtday too lolz) I was having a craving for a good monster movie, you know, those ones where something mysterious is after the main characters and suspenceful. I thought the mist was going to be that kind of movie because its about a bunch of people trapped in a super market when a thick mist suddenly covers the entire city and they soon learn that there are creatures in the mist...
Well you started seeing the monsters after like the first 10 mins and after that it just turned into one of those movies where you just watch people get eatten alive the entire time. rolleyes I hate those blood and gore movies like saw and stuff. They aren't scary, just gross. "The mist" is suspencefull, but watching someone being eatten from the inside out by nasty little creatures I hated.
That night i slept with my legs pulled into myself a bit. I was scared some creature was going to grab my by the toes and drag me off.

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