I don't know whats up this time... But Now I am on for questioning...The man with the white hair approached me with a whip of ice! A WHIP OF ICE? WHO OWNS THAT? He asked "I want these questions answered right or your done"! I dont wanna be whipped and get frostbite at the same time! he asked me..."So r0ck the worst Samurai leader ever... where are you hiding your weapons?" What? thats exactly what I didn't want him to ask! I could'nt have tould him that! Then a man with a rifle comes up and says "Ohh this is gonna be good..." ninjas with guns? No Way...This can't be... But this guy seemed different with his black long hair almost just passed his shoulders he aimed it straight at me... I was scared outta my wits! But just then... SAMURAIS BUST IN! WITH THERE RAPIERS SURROUNDING THEM! I said drop your weapon... kill me and you'll be killed... But they refused... I was looking at them shocked... What the hell? Drop your weapons! My men moved closer.Ok r0ck then tell me... Where are your weapons!? I simply replyed right here... Then the man with the rifle uses one shot on me right in my arm Because he knows he needs the rest of the ammo.Then I fall to the floor... everything was getting blurry... I c...couldn't see! Everything...Blurry...I was unconsious...Not knowing whats going on. Anything can happen to me! THIS IS THE WORST THING TO HAPPEN AT A MOMENT LIKE THIS!

Warrior R0ck · Tue Apr 08, 2008 @ 12:27am · 0 Comments |