name: keisha age: 10 cat years location: my house, malaysia born at: canada name of parents: (i never got 2 meet dem.. sob2..) likes: meowing, going outside, pooping (i hate when she does dat), sitting in dark places (under my blanket) dislikes: water (hard 2 take her 2 d bathroom), thunder (she is a REAL scardy cat) fav. food: chicken, donuts, ice cream, muffins fav. drink: milk, plain water what i like bout her: SHE IS DAMN CUTE what i hate bout her: she like POOPING and MEOWING and her fur gets in my mouth (YUCKS) and her breath STINKS!!! abilitiy: ain't afraid of dogs (is dat an ability?)
WHAT I LIKE HER 2 DO : FLOSS..!!!!!!!!!!
jajee_94 · Sat Mar 22, 2008 @ 05:02pm · 0 Comments |