Sealay is a character that i created to go along in the story that i am currently writing. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the Irish legend of the selkie, i'll put down a breif description.... A selkie is a being who is able to shed their seal skin and walk along the beach as a human. If a person were to steal and hide the selkie's skin, they would have the creature to command. But- if ever the selkie finds its skin again, there is nothing that can keep it from the sea......

Sealay was found rocking in a cradle among the waves as a babe. Her barge was more like a ship than a cradle. Fasioned with carvings like kelp along its sides, and shells pressed into the wood along its hull. The fisher woman who found her took her in as her own, sinse she and her husband had no beirn of there own. She was raised in the small fishing village and taught about the ways of the sea. Though Sealay was raised to live on land, she had an eternal longing to be out at sea. She taught herself to read and write in native Kindrean, English, and the common tongue used on Kindrea. As she entered later years of maturity, her skills as a born healer began to show themselves to her. Her travels through life taught her how to manage her gifts. With no teacher, she had to depend on herself for survival. Not only did she survive living on her won, but she later adopted and raised a girl whom she named Lakeena.

((that's as far as i've created as a bio. but i guess its alright for now. and im working n getting a couple of pics in here, but i can't seem to get it to work. any pointers?))
kindreanselkie · Sat Jul 16, 2005 @ 05:38pm · 0 Comments |