
I'm scared of my house phone. It sometimes just randomly rings once, but no one's on the line. It also shows the numbers of people who would never call my house unless I did something annoying or bad.
I work at the library. It's great. Some of my friends work there. Everyone's real nice, except for one librarian and these four idiots who work on Thursdays when I do. They are too loud, and they take the book carts if you're not looking. I think one of them called me a mean name. They think I can't hear what they say, but they were four feet away from me. I hate them.
I am bored. I've got one friend who likes video games. I'm alone most of the time. No friends to talk to or play with. Just me, myself, and The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (P.S. "Triumph Forks"=Triforce).
I wish my biggest wish would come true. It prob'ly won't, but that's to be expected. None of my wishes come true, including the little ones, like a wish for Zingers in the cafeteria snack machines, or that my friend will be in my homeroom (she's not sad )
My favorite TV shows are: Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, The 4400, Monk, NCIS, CSI, Law and Order, The Dead Zone, Numb3rs, Medium, and Macgyver (starring Richard Dean Anderson! heart ).
My favorite movies are: Robin Hood, Chitty-Chitty Bang Bang, The Sound of Music, Pirates of the Caribbean (But why is the rum gone?), Jurassic Park, Jurassic Park II, Jurassic Park III, Kiki's Delivery Service, and The Mummy.
I'm running out of things to write.....
I LOVE CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No one from my elementary school recognizes me. One girl even goes to my high school, and she's one who SHOULD remember me. I certainly remember her. She liked to call me a freak.
I will probably die as a lonely old lady, never having a boyfriend, not having any friends, lonely....... crying
My mom thinks I like to be alone. I don't. I need people to keep me going, whether I like them or not. I can even stand the bossiest girl in my grade for a while (assuming she doesn't try to label me).
Angele Dei qui custos es mei mi tibi commisum pietate superna. Hodie illumina custodi regae et guberna. Amen
uno, dos, tres, quatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez
I never quite understand why some people stop being my friends. I think one person was upset because I got a bit upset at her birthday party. She's hardly talked to me since, and that was 3 years ago.
I wish I had a little sister. My friends' little sisters are all nice and fun. They're as much fun to hang with as my friends!
Things I'm horrible at: Apologizing, talking to people I don't know, English, facing my fears, running, push-ups, sleeping, and telling people what I think and feel.
Things I'm good at: Playing my flute, playing the harmonica, writing, Spanish, drawing, and singing
Things I'm really, really good at: Video games, playing the piano, typing, thinking, answering questions, and dreaming
Things I'm scared of: Lonliness, English, people who dislike/hate me, my Algebra I teacher, nightmares coming true, the scary guy down the street, knives, the Ghost Ship (Legend of zelda: Wind Waker), and being caught on the computer right now.
That's me! But naturally, there's more to me than that......iwishihadafriendicouldtelleverythingto,likeiusedto

nepie · Tue Jul 12, 2005 @ 07:51am · 0 Comments |