my name is prue.
i will be turning 13 in a couple months. and i am a vampire.
some of u who read this will say "you stupid girl,there is no such thing as vampires!"
well,they may or may not exist.but to let u know,i have very LONG & SHARP fang teeth.
and to those of u who are like me,and do believe such things exist,then good for u,though i dont care if u do or not. we vamps are split into a couple different groups, meat eaters(those who kill and take the blood of humans to feed )
and the vegitarians(those who kill animals that are overpopulating the area)
i am the second one yay me
how was i turned u might ask?
i was turned by my friend who is like a sister to me, piper.
i didnt know she was one,till she bitme. shame on her. lol well,she was walking outside,and it had gotton dark, i was a witch,but not no more.
i had done a spell and it back fired,so i was turned into a wolf.and sice we where in the city she had been told to attack nad or kill all wolves,since there were some spotted,and had rabies.which i did not.
well,she saw me,and started to bite,and kill,then i bit her,and started kicking her.
a couple miutes of that,then the spell wore off.but too late,i was a vamp. and i'm telling u my story of how i was turned.
oh and,some of us dont have fangs,but i'm one the them who do,so yeah. sweatdrop
just dont get near me when i haven't hunted for a while,ori might not purposlly kill u,cause i'm not like that.
(i protect humans,so if u have a vampire stalker,come get me and i'll help u) smile
have a good day
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