Am I
Sweet? -
Crazy? -
Lovable? -
Funny? -
Fuglyeh? -
Annoying? -
A good person? -
Hot? -
Would You
Miss me if i was gone?-
Listen to my problems?-
Hug me if i cried?-
Be a good friend?-
Kiss me if i asked you to?-
Kiss me if i asked you not to?-
If You Could
Give me a new name it would be? -
Hook me up with someone who would it be? -
Hook me up with a celebrity who would it be? -
Do one thing with me it would be? -
Drop me one piece of advice it would be? -
Make out with me, would you? -
Just A Few Questions
What do you like about me? -
What do you hate about me? -
What is my best quality? -
Some Things About You
Who are you? -
Do you have a crush on me? -
Are we good friends? -
Do we know each other in real life? -
Is my avatar hot? -
What's your favorite kind of music? -
Will you put this in your journal so I can answer these questions about you? -
Sweet? -
Crazy? -
Lovable? -
Funny? -
Fuglyeh? -
Annoying? -
A good person? -
Hot? -
Would You
Miss me if i was gone?-
Listen to my problems?-
Hug me if i cried?-
Be a good friend?-
Kiss me if i asked you to?-
Kiss me if i asked you not to?-
If You Could
Give me a new name it would be? -
Hook me up with someone who would it be? -
Hook me up with a celebrity who would it be? -
Do one thing with me it would be? -
Drop me one piece of advice it would be? -
Make out with me, would you? -
Just A Few Questions
What do you like about me? -
What do you hate about me? -
What is my best quality? -
Some Things About You
Who are you? -
Do you have a crush on me? -
Are we good friends? -
Do we know each other in real life? -
Is my avatar hot? -
What's your favorite kind of music? -
Will you put this in your journal so I can answer these questions about you? -
Community Member
Sweet? - yeh :XP:
Crazy? - yesh!
Lovable? - most deifnately
Funny? - sure
Fuglyeh? - yeh lol no jk jk your prettteh
Psycho?- kinda
Annoying? - not realleh
A good person? - yesh
Hot? - mayybe yesh yesh yesh you are
Would You
Miss me if i was gone?- :XP: no duh
Listen to my problems?- depends on the problem
Hug me if i cried?- yesh!
Be a good friend?- yep
Kiss me if i asked you to?-yesh
Kiss me if i asked you not to?- yep! biggrin
If You Could
Give me a new name it would be? - cinderella wink
Hook me up with someone who would it be? - maybe mwah xd
Hook me up with a celebrity who would it be? -
Do one thing with me it would be? - ummmm count the stars biggrin
Drop me one piece of advice it would be? - if someone says go jump off a cliff dont do it it hurtssss
Make out with me, would you? - well yesh
Just A Few Questions
What do you like about me? - ummmm everything?
What do you hate about me? - hmmm you trying to hit me
What is my best quality? - ummmmmmmm 11?
Some Things About You
Who are you? - your husband i think @__@
Do you have a crush on me? - for a loooooong time
Are we good friends? - bettah :XP:
Do we know each other in real life? - no well i wish but no
Is my avatar hot? - welll duh i amde it me self xd ofcourse it is well yesh it is yeah well yeah wait no yeah it is i guess sure yeah
What's your favorite kind of music? - rock!!!
Will you put this in your journal so I can answer these questions about you? - you got this from meh! evil evil evil