Wishlist 07!
First of all, if you're questing for something, I DEMAND YOU NOT GIVE ME PRESENTS AND SAVE YOUR GOLD D:&
With all the inflation lately, you should finish your quest before it rises higher &&
And for those of you who aren't on quests, well, you really don't have to get me anything sweatdrop
But if you really do, I would like:
Items: Uhhh D:
Due to me attempting to AB a Suicune from Extrasensory (and failing =P ), I have sold over half my inventory. Woo! *weeps*
Anyways, I've re-bought my CoCo and some other stuff, but I'm still missing a good 400k-ish of stuff because I bought a .hack character. Yeah, I'm too tempted by breedables >>;
I also love commons~SCARFS AND HATS ESPECIALLY <3
So, here's a makeshift wishlist
*Staff of the Angels *SHOT*
*CN Scarf
*Mythrill Halo (I think I spelled it wrong x_x)
That's mostly what I miss from my invo >>;
Commons Wishlist:
*That new nifty jiggly bell hat thing! 8D
*That parrot thingy...yeah. I suck at item names, okay? ;^;
*Narwhale Plushie thing <3
Pets: Anything from the following shops:
Extrasensory: Anything &33
And if you really want me to be more specific, go look at my impossible quest thread on the guild there XD
Pokemon Haven: Once again, anything &w&
Esperalda League: A bird/dragon/fire pokemon? xd &3
SS are out! I wanna seel with Albireo's (my dewgong for extrasensory...somewhere in this journal) markings 8D *shot*
Anywhere: Cosplays of Allen/ninetales? *shot*
Well, I'd love any pet
I also luff birds/things with wings =D
...I'm a poketard D:&
I don't know anything else I want from other shops &&
Just praying they won't be RP required or else I will FAIL.
And the next part is under contruction still.
My list of people who I need to Christmas shop for: Naeyru, Qixel, 2kim2, Sapphirelegends, Heyy13, Smarsala, Dessie, Blacky, KitKit, Muffin, Kuro, Micro, Duel, school friends (will be more specific later), Tikal, Marshmellow, Ketchup, Carcar, Dewgongs, etc =w=
Krayne_Dakidus_Corecino - 3k heart
FEDkite - 10k...AND A PENGUIN 8D eek 4laugh heart

Popai - 10k eek 4laugh heart

Micro - MY NINETALES eek 4laugh heart eek x100

Kuro-kasai: &333333

Neko_no_Yami: heart heart 4laugh

...Neko, are you declaring a gift war on me? D&
Myself - I really didn't want to get myself anything, but I always wanted one of these guys D:

Lord_Pippa_Ari: heart heart

Kiomori: :O

Naeyru: A 1000 gold gift certificate/coupon thingy to her shop! : D

The Poke-Santa! :O
It's either Bouncy or Shadow methinks xD
BUT *________*
Never expected this one *squeals*
From Ravino: ♥♥♥

Thanks Poke~Thanks thy! &3
From Sai~! &3

From Marshy! ♥♥♥
Itsa Mush! plushie!

From Pinkeh! :O

From Scrooge Kitkit xD &3