I have a throat infection...whoopy! Since I won't be going to a doctor quick enough to get antibiotics (not that I take them anyways...usually it's a viral infection so antibiotics don't work. Most doctor's write you a perscription for bacterial infections and shove you out the door so you think you're getting medicine but it's really just an expensive plecebo. Ask him if the antibiotics are really going to help and if you have a viral infection. Too many antibiotics build up an immunity to them so when you really need them you might not be able to.)
Anyways, I'm drinking salt water. EWWW, eh? It's a home rememdy that works! When your throat is all red and swollen, you feel like it's hard to talk and your throat feels like hell...drink salt water! It doesn't last long but you pretty much get instant relief. I usually walk aroung all day with a mug of salt water.
It's Redcliff days...our small town celebrates the day it was created just like every other town. BEER GARDENS...yippy.. stare They also have stuff for little kids to jump up and down on, booths (the only one I can remember is the Army Reserve table...yes, let's get a bunch a drunks...oh, wait...that's what the British are for! No offense to the British!! Our army reserve has many of them, and it seems the only British people that joined our reserves are really rude and ignorant.), and cars....
Oh, cars...maybe I CAN convince Ryan to go...lol, I just want to go outside for a bit...walk around with my salt water and enjoy the retards...maybe get a dorky trinket at one of the booths.
I spoke to the person who owns Littlenoahsark.com (a store) and they are still open which means I can get this gaint Emperor Penguin plushie!! It's 23.5 inches tall X 12 X 13...big no? I think it's like 1/3 of my size! It's only $19.95 American...
Let's see how much this will cost actually in Canadian...with shipping:
$49.95 Amercian = $61.32 Canadian...
eh...maybe Ryan won't be getting me this penguin...
krysil · Sat Jun 18, 2005 @ 05:22pm · 1 Comments |