Monday June 13th... Bad or good? |
Well, let's start off with my job experiences..
They've gone awsome so far! i love both Toys R Us and Westcoast Piercing!
Toys R Us came first.. That's a pretty interesting place to work at.. You'd be surprised at how many people come up to me daily and ask for Star Wars junk.. ANd the prices for the Star Wars junk is amazingly high! For one of those crap-a** light up swords, it costs over $40 each! It's disturbing how much this crap is lol But, it's a good way to make money... My boss there is funny as hell.. He talks really fast with an accent.. it's tuff to understand him sometimes... The other workers there are really nice too.. They helped me with so much stuff there.. I really like it there.. The people that work there say that they hope to see me for the summer.. They said that the way I work, I could be making alot of money.. I am tempted to work there lol
The second place, Westcoast Piercing, is awsome as well! It is so swank how I got to do so many things!! They said that I should really work there for the summer.. They said that I would do awsome and make a ton of money.. The dude I work with has only been tattooing for a month.. They said that they loved my artwork.. I also got to tattoo a guy.. It was awsome! The dude was so nice aobut it too.. I was happy.. ((The picture included has the little tattoo thjat I did.. Plus, I also did some of the filling for another person's tattoo)) The picture has the little skull that I did.. I was told to try it just without the ink.. The guy liked it and even sent me the picture of it when he got home.. I am very proud of it.. I likeit too.. I just wouldn't do that to myself anytime soon lol

I also had some pretty bad customers at Toys R Us.. Some really bad ones.. I had one dude shake my ladder while I was on the top step. I fell off and landed funny on my feet.. I kind ahurt my back, I think.. Little b*****d.. I yelled at him.. And guess what his reply back to me was? "Oh, I'm sorry.. I was just trying to gt your attention" I almost flipped out on him.. He wanted the price checked for the game he was holding.. When there was a price checker right next to the ladder!!! Then, he wanted me to take it out of the package because he wanted to know what it looked like!! Is he dumb?! There's a big picture right on the front, stating what it looks like! Then, he wanted to know what it was called.. By this time, I was ready to kill the f-er! I pointed ot the title and read it out to him, "Wood and glass chess set" What a dumb person.. That pissed me off...
Then! There was this woman that came to the store a few days later.. I swear that she abuses her children.. Some of the crap that she was doing.. Man.. That pissed me off royally! She took of those back-pack things for babbies out of the box, tried to stuff her 3 month old-- ((When it said right ont he package that it was for 6 months and up to 12)) I just stood there and watched her stuff her kid in.. Then, she wanted to put it on her back.. By that time, I was like, "Hey.. You know, you can't do that" Then, she looked upa t me and said, "Well, I wanted to know how comfortable it would be on me. I just want to put it on my back to see how it feels and to see if I would like it." I just shook my head and said, "You can't open up packages.. It's common sense." SHe looked at me a little more angerly and said, "Well, I didn't open up the package.. It was already opened and I just took the tape off" I looked back down at her and waited for her to stand up before I said, "Werll, you can't do that either ma'am.. It's against store policey.. Please, take your kid out of there and put it away.." Then, she got all pissed off at me and started saying things like, "Well, you let all of the kids play on all of the toys.. Why can't I use this?" and, "Well, let's just see what your manager has to say about this! I should be allowed! I am the customer!" Blah-blah-blah... Well, she got pissed off and took off.. but, before she did, she had a little boy.. He went to sit down as she was pulling her kid out of the back-pack like thingy.. He accidently knocked over one of those metal sign things witht eh price on it.. He was trying to fix it, but then, his mother grabbed him by the arm and tosse dhim into a bunch of our stuff.. I was ready to jump her and beat the living crap out of her..
Speaking of weird days.. today, I was sent home from work early.. I couldn't handle working today because this was the day my mom died one year ago.. It's the first full year without her.. it was too upsetting so Deleia told me to go home and take a rest.. I was happy to.. I really didn't want to work today.. Iw as so sad.. I hate today alot.. I am suppose to be with my dad later on, but, I can't get ahold of him.. I don't know if I will o not tonight.. i don't think that he will be home to get my messages.. Oh well. I am still mad at him for the way that he has been acting torwards me through the entire time... Whatever.. I'll just hang with my friends and stay happy.. I'd rather not think about the day my mom died.. It's too depressing, and it's not like I want to be depressed..
Well, anyway, I didn't go home.. I went to my friend Laura's house instead.. I pretty much ran out of money to get home.. i only had, I think, a buck with me.. And that won't get me very far.. *Sighs* Stupid transit.. Anyway, I was stuck outside because Laura was in her bedroom.. She couldn't hear me knocking on the door.. Iw as outside of there for two hours lol In the rain.. It was funny lol I was reading Petshop Of Horrors.. That kept my mental state out of the cold for a long time lol Then, I decided to stuff two manga's into Laura's mail slot.. It's so I can see her if she walked out of her rooma nd I could get her attention.. I also ate my lunch when I was waiting for her.. It was interesting lol She finally came out at noon to eat something... Then, she noticed my manga's in her door...
Anyway, that's pretty much all I can think of.. I think that is alot anyway lol Have fun reading this and resting your eyes afterwards.. Tootles xd heart
quayla666 · Mon Jun 13, 2005 @ 10:09pm · 52 Comments |