Brandon called me sayin that he was in front of my house and so I quickly got ready and walked right out the door while mom was still on the phone. I didn't know if I was gonna get yelled at or nto because she told me "no" earlier. But once I saw him leaning on the red vehicle... nothing else really mattered. I ran over and hugged him tight. I was introduced to his parental units and we walked off in a flash. We walked down my street to my Jr High and he wanted to explore but it was closed in the front and i wore the wrong shoes to climb the fence so we continued walking. He told every dog to shut it's trap, wanted to jack all trucks, and I giggled my butt off the whole way. I saw a kitty and my ADHD kicked in and he allowed me to go and attempt to pet the kitties. Brandon tried to do the same but scared them away. We keep walking, he decided where we went and I tried to remember the way we came so we could get back home. I tripped a couple times so he linked his fingers with mine to help me along. He saw a big field and I recognized that is was the track to my Jr High and tugged me along. He claimed to be Dora and I, Diego but I just pointed to my boobs and said "Uh... boobs...hello?" So he made me Boots instead. I sighed and we walked the school ground and when he saw all that he wanted of my old school, we left out the back and circled around to go back to my house. He linked his finger again with ine to keep me from falling as we walked through the field. Once we got to the corner of the block where my house was located, he said "I don't wanna go back home..." "I don't wanna go either luv," I whipsered back. I put my other hand over our linking fingers and he placed his hand over mine. He looked at me and then went to kiss me, but then went straight toward his car and I hugged him one last time before he went in the car. His grandparents said "It was nice to meet you," "Same here!" I replied back and walked to the front door.
The kiss was so beautiful and so innocent. Our faces were flushed and or fingers were linked. his lips were soft and loving. His kiss brought both lust and love and his hands held mine as if he never wanted to let me go... I love my baby boy and wish he were here with me now so we could do it again
DamonKatzchen · Mon Oct 29, 2007 @ 08:17am · 1 Comments |