Alright, I've gained many Skulltag Rewards before, but many of them are really hard to get. You'll see that some have a chain, this happens because you die, and can't do a chain of that award to get the higher award, or you wait too long.
Spam- Killing many players at one time, usually with a BFG9000.

Precision- Higher level of Accuracy award. This is received when performing a constant chain of accurate shots.

Impressive- Received sometimes when killing a player with a plasma rifle (not the plasma gun).

Most Impressive- Higher level of Impressive Award. This is received when you continuously kill a player with the plasma rifle.

Incredible- Higher level of Excellent. This award is basically earned when killing a high amount of players without dying.

Total Domination- Received when killing many players instantly. (I'm sorry I do not have a picture of this one, the award disappeared before I could snapshot it!)
swordman2 · Thu Oct 25, 2007 @ 11:43pm · 0 Comments |