So many things were highlights of my day! |
1. Fire drill. Am I the only one who loves 'em? I was in religion, she was handing back papers, and I was freaking bored. Then, suddenly, like a gift from God, the buzz of the fire alarm ^_^ heart I love fire drills. I always get to see my friends and it's fun, too. Kallie and I were chillin' on a speed bump xd
2. Lunch. OMG lunch xd That whole group is going to end up owing me money, I swear stare Grace and LJ each owe me a dollar, and I got my money from Libby ^_^ After she begged it from everyone else xd I was going to give her the book back at the end of lunch no matter what, but it ended up working out well for me ^^ SENIORS WIN THE PENNY CHALLENGE THANKS TO LIBBY xd
3. Physics. We were laughing the whole time. The two funniest things, though xd My ring day picture came out great! In the background, you can see Salvaggio, and the look on her face is priceless. The funniest part is that she's not fully in anyone else's picture but mine xd And then Mary Grace, crazy crazy girl, was tugging on her blouse near the top, and the top button popped off and went flying xd And someone told her it was a good time to put her sweater on, but her sweater was in her locker. We were laughing so hard. Foss kept telling the class to quiet down xd Not with us in the back!
4. Quiz Bowl. Haha! Lightning rounds! Now if we could get some worksheets! The MCA elementary tournament is the same as the high school, I discovered. It's next Saturday. Mama has to go as the moderator. Anyway, but QB was amazingly fun today. I was a little hyper in the beginning (probably because I had just come from physics), so I was doing bits of the choir stuff, dancing a little. I couldn't stand still. Oh...yea, it may also have had something to do with the cookie I had xd Whoooo, suuuuuugar! Haha, yea, I was definitely a little hyper. Then I got a headache -.- And I hit my head on my notebook. Ouch. Stupid mythology question. But it was FUN!!!! Heehee, I'm still a little hyper. I gave mama the cupcake ('cause I'm just that nice). And I'd had enough sugar xd

I made those yesterday. I'm rather fond of the green one. The purple one's pretty neat, too. I don't remember what the third one is sweatdrop
You know, I'm super-annoyed that I never had Riggs as a teacher. I'd ask him to write the one letter of recommendation that I need. I'm asking Lorentz to do it, but she hasn't been here for two days -.-
Oh, so math yesterday, when I wasn't even in the room for 5 minutes the first half of class. I went to see Grubb 1st 'cause of National Merit whateverness. She happened to ask me the dreaded question: what happened with grades 2nd quarter freshmen year? OH MY GOD. Could she have asked a worse question? Who the hell cares? I've gotten straight As since then. Who cares about a few measly freshman grades with all those shiney A's? I don't. So I gave my wonderful half-answer of "I kinda slacked off a little."
nepie · Thu Oct 11, 2007 @ 11:29pm · 0 Comments |