Okay, so it's coming up, right, and everyone wants to dress up like something and trip everyone else out. I, for one, am not an exception to the rule, and I'm too old to even fart sideways at Halloween any more. So what do you want to dress up as? Will it be just a random dressup or will it be a cosplay?
 I personally want to cosplay an Organization XIII member (reference to Kingdom Hearts II) with the hood down, so my face is hidden. Probably Riku. He travels like that most often during the game...
Why do I want to be a member of the Organization? Well, that's simple. They PWN.

I can't find a bloody coat that looks good enough... they all suck. I want one that looks comparably like the ones they wear on KHII... and I'm having trouble finding one... grrr!
duir ancient · Thu Oct 04, 2007 @ 10:56pm · 1 Comments |