heart Broken and bleeding she lay, leaning on the tree with no strength of her own. She wouldn't die, for she was not wholy human. She was a stray no one wanted, a vampire, a feline, human. A halfbreed, Niyun, saw her there, by that oversized tree, crying. He walked slowly to her side and whispered, "A beautiful creature should never cry tears of sorrow. It breaks my heart to see you cry." She looked up at him looking for a sign of doubt in his eyes. Something to show he was lying to her. "And why would my tears do such a thing? It's not like anyone cares." His eyes pierced hers, and held a gaze that maze it impossible for her to turn her head. "I do. It matters to me now. You make me crazy Kits. I know how much you love me and you shove them away...and for what?" Kitsu now understood. He loved her and cared, like no one else did. "I did it to save you. It will spare you the pain of having to be with you. You'll end up-" "The only pain I'm in is the thought of you not being with me, where you belong. In my arms through the restless nights. You deserve someone who loves you Kits, not one who wouldn't care if you're gone." He embraced her in his arms. She shifted herself to fit perfectly in his arms and held him back. HE removed one of his hands from her waist and tilted her face to his and held her there with his lips. Kitsu knew Niyun truly loved her and she was hurting both herself and him with her denial. "I love you Niyun," she whispered in his doggy ear. She wrappeed her arms around his neck and kissed him back with the drugging intensity he had. They kissed as if it were the last. Yet they also both knew it was only the beggining. heart
DamonKatzchen · Thu Oct 04, 2007 @ 07:30am · 0 Comments |