Don't bet against Alice! 2 |
So, it occured to me last night that I have really good instincts when it comes to people. I mean, I can tell what people are like without really getting to know them. I can figure out what they'll do, and after a while, I can mimic their speech patterns xd I don't mean to, but I start talking like my friends.
I was so annoyed at club info. They made me wear the dress crying I got out of it (thankfully) for 2nd lunch, so I signed up for clubs. I'm doing too much, but thas okay ^_^ NHS got moved stare I'm angry. I liked it Friday 2nd lunch. I just went to the DA every Friday. I didn't have to know what week it was xp Now I do, for both Monday and Friday.
This afternoon was very depressing. I think I did horribly on the religion thing. I had it all nice and pretty in my head, but when I sat in front of the comp, it didn't want to come out right. And my spacebar was malfunctioning, so it didn't always space. And CW was so depressing I couldn't keep my head up. I was stuck in a mindless circle of all the random, important thoughts I'd had in the last 24 hours. I kept coming back to two thoughts, though. It was very annoying. And I decided not to audition for LMEA thing. I signed up for a part I can't sing, and I was just so depressed that I couldn't even think of learning a new part in 2 days, let alone singing. I know better than to audition for anything. I know what my voice sounds like. It's not all that good, especially when it's just me. Hence, I'm desperate to find someone for an ensemble for solo and ensemble. I just wish someone would be honest with me about how I sing. UGH. Because I know Charlotte will say something, and I'll probably snap at her.
The worst thing is that I can tell that I'm pulling away from everyone. I know I'm doing it. I don't know how to not do it, though. I know why it's happening, though. I'm trying to keep some distance, hold too much back, and even though it's only one instance, it spreads to everything. I hate it. But I can't say anything straight out. It's so annoying, but I can't even tell my own friends anything. I don't tell them what's bothering me because they can't do anything about it.
I'm working on a pretty picture. I stared with a girl that looked kinda like this (only imagine it with pink and white, not blue):

But she had her hand out, like she was holding someone's hand, so I had to draw someone else. I didn't want to draw some crummy kid, but I can't really draw guys, unless they're elves, and even then, they look too much like girls confused And I couldn't come up with a good idea for a guy's outfit. So, basically, I ended up with this girl:

And she's supposed to be more background. Dimmer colors, less....motion. The first one is walking and watching a butterfly (it's really cute!), and the 2nd one is standing, waiting for her to catch up. It's so cute, though whee I got bored in physics. He was going over sig figs, so I was a little bored. I've learned sig figs 3 times before this, and I had to teach myself the 1st time! So, I think I've got it, by now whee But anyway, if I ever finish the picture, I might put it up here.
But I might not finish it because the lacey things are a pain >.< I wanted to do ruffly, but I can barely manage lace! And I'm not very happy with how the second girl came out. She looks too...subservient. Meh...I'm working on it >.<
nepie · Wed Sep 05, 2007 @ 11:37pm · 0 Comments |