song+ Red & Blue (Wild Divine) book+ The Phantom of the Opera scent+ errr ... coffee? quest+ doll ears, daisy, non-hideous shoes upper+ Scarborough downer+ gaia freaking out, missing me Ryuukun attire+ fuzzy sweater, pajama pants chat+ just bumping ^^ drink+ coffee
Gaia is totally wigging out right now .. x.x; I think the mods are mildly retarded, because I have never seen such a badly moderated site. xD I mean CoE had just as much volume, and did their server ever crash this bad? No. stare But oh well. I shouldn't complain, because here I am still .. o.O Also, my aunt messed up the computer again, so I'm being thwapped with a million pop-ups every five seconds, and it keeps crashing horribly. And this keyboard is annoying. You have to beat it with a bat just to get the keys to work. >_>;
Annnyway. I bought some new cloths, obviously. ^^; Irish Pride Yo! I bought the shoes because they matched, but now I'm starting to realize how hideous they are. o_e It looks kind of like a muskrat died and I made it into a pair of shoes. xD
;____; Gaia disabled my signature. I fixed it .. ;.; but now I have no idea who to contact to get it fixed. Le help?
Hmm. Scarborough Faire hopefully soon. @.@ I'm forcing everyone to come. I *might* be able to pay for Ryuukun and Neko, we shall see. heart I can't wait to put on me costume though! Neko made me into a Phantom of the Opera freak and ever since then I'm like .. @.@ costume ... *drool*
I miss me Ryuukun. ;_; Majorly.
o.o Rand and Jana (pronounced sort of like "shaynaa" wink went out to lunch, right? Well she agreed to do this again with him on Tuesday. xD I guess we underestimated him somewhat. Only, he was being a complete b*****d to me a little bit ago. He called again and wanted to talk to mum, but she was busy and didn't want to talk. So he started cursing and yelling at me until I gave her the phone.
stare Big baby.
o.o Hmm .. oh! I made some church signs .. xd
 This is for Umichan. ^^ I hope you feel better soon! ;.;
 And this is for Nekochan. xD 'Nuff said.
.. And I couldn't help but make this last one. xD

This is random, but I think my favorite Japanese name in the world is Nadeshiko. heart It used to be my pen name in olden times. I miss it greatly.
Random poem from Wild Divine:
I am now awake .. had I not risen I would not have seen the shimmering light along the mane of the universe ..
The Viscount · Thu May 12, 2005 @ 04:58am · 4 Comments |