Learn Turkish from Tulin! - Cost - read the text infront :) |
This entry is dedicated to Julie, Razzel Dazzel (I am allowed to call her that! blaugh ), Ben, Cannah, Sinead, Alice, Louise, Eli, Wolf, Scruff, Dutske, and all my friends, that support me every day. Without you, I would have no spirit left in me right now.
Music I am currently listening to: (Everything I do) I do for you. Link - http://www.metacrawler.com/info.metac/clickit/search?r_aid=F86 C6A63C6E543AE88A6D6059BB0E330&r_eop=3&r_sacop=4&r_spf=0&r_ cop=main-title&r_snpp=4&r_spp=0&qqn=OW%40txAZk&r_coid=372669&r awto=http://www.gretoville.com/sound/w_everything_i_do_i_do_it_for_you.mp3
((Open notepad first and edit out the enters - I used enters so the page won't stretch))
Today I don't feel so good. I didn't feel well yesterday either. Or the day before that. I'm ill again. But at least I have the weekend to get over it, and hopefully I'll be able to see some of my friends soon at the cinema's. smile I can't wait! They are so loyal, and verah trustworthy. And they trust me too!
I want to be more honest - so lets get out a few secrets out in the open today!! Yeah!! blaugh Tulin is wevy crazy!!
1. I think I have had a lot of day ja vou or however you spell it. ((It's a job pronoucing it too >.< wink ) 2. I forgot what I was going to say... 3. I once dreamed that Julie turned evil, and started putting make up and everything... my scarest nightmare to date!!! eek 4. I like some of the songs the Jazz Band and the Orchestra played at the Summer Concert. And the violins. And Razzel was the best singer ever!! Even my dad actually payed ATTENTION to that!! (He read a book and looked dead when everyone else played - including me. stare ) 5. I want to cook a meal for all my friends. 6. I feel like I am going to burp.
I have a lot of other random facts to, but you don't wanna know wink
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I was think about a 'dream avatar'... and this is what I came of with. I tried not to cluster... but I think I added too many birds
Anyway, Turkish learnin' time!
Basically, you pronouce every letter of the turkish alphabet, apart from... this little letter here -->> ğ . ((If you can't see this, this may be because you have no other languages installed to your computer other than English/American. I am not sure how you download them correctally, but I am sure someone around the forums, (make sure you pick the correct one!) will know. Good luck! ))) The ğ extends the vowel after it ((I think, could be before... I forgot >.< wink ), so if it was... Beğendin (Means Do you like...?) you would pronouce it Beeendin. Easy huh??
Basic phrases.
Hello - Merhaba <--- This is really easy to say. Say it... Mer hab a. Easy peasy! Hi - Selam <---- Again, this is easy. Say it Se lam. Yes - Evet <--- This is not getting at all very harder. Say it Ev et No - Hayır <--- Now things are getting a bit harder. The ı is basically the Turkish form for a u. Pronouce it Hay ur Please - Lütfen <--- Ah!! Another strange letter has come! The ü is like a u, but err... different 3nodding Actually... I am stuck... I will have to come back to that one... I think you pronouce it - Lut fen. Good morning - Günaydın <----- Easy peasy. sweatdrop I think you pronouce it... Gun ay dur . Remember that ı rule! Good evening - iyi akşamlar <--- Do not be alarmed! We have another new letter! This time it's an ş. The ş is easily pronouced - pronouce it like --- Sh. Easy peasy. So it Er Ye Er . It's easy if you try and speak it out allowed. ((That's the iyi part)) Then it's ak sham lar. How are you - Nasılsınız <----- Remember our favourite - The ı? We pronouce it like... ur. So it's Nas url sur uz . Well done! You pronouced it right! xd I am fine, Thank you : iyiyim, Teşekkürler -- Dun dun dun! Now this one is a big one... so here we go!! It's... er ye er ye erm Te shek koo (the undotted u is pronouced like oo)) ler .
Want to see a really big Turkish word? Are ye sure? Alright then!
It means : Maybe you are one of those whom we were not able to Turkify. xp
Try using your knowledge to pronouce that!! And after that... keep reading onwards... there's more...
Did you know? There is no gender in Turkish language and literature. The same word , "o", for example, means "he", "she" and "it".
More interesting things Turks generally call each other by their given names. For example, a man whose name is Ahmet Kuran would be called Ahmet bey ( bey = Mr.), and his wife whose name is Ayse Kuran would be called Ayşe hanım ( hanim =Ms.). Good friends drop the "bey" and "hanım". But a letter would be addressed to Bay ve Bayan Ahmet Kuran (Mr. and Mrs...).
More Interesting facts Turkish belongs to the Turkic branch of the Altaic language family. The earliest Turkic inscriptions date from the 7th century C.E. and Islamic texts written in Turkic appear in the 11th century. Turkish, the language of modern Turkey, is spoken by about 60 million people. Other important Turkic languages are Azeri (15 million speakers) and Uzbek (14 million speakers). Turkish formerly used the same alphabet as Arabic, but has been written in the Latin alphabet since 1928 as mentioned above; since 1940, Azeri and Uzbek have been written in Cyrillic but efforts are now under way to replace it with Latin.
And I can't really think of anything more else... Oh! And if you are going to Turkey, remember 'ben acim'. It is tradition in Turkey, to always feed their guests, with plently of food. And that's PLENTY of food. ((I should know. I have been fed by a Turkish nanna who thought I was being starved ((Let your soul rest in peace xx))) Ben acim means - I am hungry wink At least you won't starve!!! xd Please add a comment to my journal and tell me what ye think - if ye like my Turkish lessons, please say, and I'll add some more! sweatdrop
tulin13 · Fri Aug 03, 2007 @ 09:23pm · 0 Comments |