The new house my parents and I are building is like almost done with exterior. We have these super cool stone columns I haven't taken any pics yet I don't think. Oh wait I have but didn't upload them yet but I willl soon, but heres a pic of the view we get from it. One of my friend says that he might be moving up there and he might be my neighbor. Which is awesome now I'll know I won't be the only teen on the block.... errr..... or coldusac is what it is. Until then I'll never know.
Here's the pic ignore that pile of dirt and just look at the perty view oh also we have the BEST breeze up there.
 Yeah ok -_- it's a crappy picture but but but I'm not an expert and it's nature and it was sunset it's going to be a bit blurry.
elyphalant6 · Sun Jul 22, 2007 @ 03:43am · 0 Comments |