i've been writing this stroy for a REALLY REALLY long time!!! so enjoy!!!
p.s. i'm only gonna out the first couple chapters cuz it's 12 chapters long and about 25 pgs. long on microsoft word.... this is RIKA: 
…how unfortunate…the lives of the innocent…. *CHAPTER ONE: POWERFUL NEW FOE*
The sun’s rays crept over the forest. Seven ninja lay in bloody heaps. As the tracker looked over its shoulder at the dead bodies, three genin rushed through the clearing…only to stop at the sight of the seven, lying dead in the cool crisp morn. One boy looked directly at the mysterious ninja, eyes burning with anger, reached for his weapon. To a regular genin, his movements seemed as fast as lightning. He appeared behind it in the blink of an eye, slamming his fist into the back of the skull. A cold hand clamped down on the back of his neck. What he had hit was the trunk of the tree...not the ninja… His face slammed hard on the bloodied ground. The female genin screamed, “Sasuke-kun!” That name sounded familiar. Nonetheless, the tracker held a kunai to the boy’s throat. “Now,” it said, “let’s see what’s in your memories.” The skies went black and a scene filled the sky... A boy, quite young, was running through a street with dead bodies sprawled everywhere. He tore through an open door into a house. Two people, a man and a woman, lay still in front if a tall dark figure. It turned around and stared at the boy. Then a force blocked out the ninja’s jutsu. The boy had managed to get out of the grip it had on him. Its jutsu had taken up a large amount of chakara so it apparently hadn’t fully recovered enough to block. Blood spattered upon the ground as the body slammed into the thick trunk of a tree. The mask had rolled off the ninja’s face from the impact of the punch. Another boy, this one with blonde hair, ran up and picked it up. So, it was a tracker ninja…like Haku! He thought. Sasuke collapsed on the ground and the konoichi with the pink hair ran to him. Then a jounin with silver hair rushed into the clearing. “Kakashi sensei, you’re here!” the girl cried out. “I came as soon as could.” Kakashi answered, “What were you thinking going off with only the three of you!” He stooped down by the unconscious ninja and lifted it up gently. “What?!!?” Sasuke yelled, “we’re taking it with us?!” “Her,” Kakashi replied,” we’re taking her with us.” “It’s a GIRL?” The blonde boy asked. “You’re such a baka, Naruto.” The girl sneered, “Why else would Kakashi sensei say ‘her’?” “Oh…..yeah….” the boy blushed sheepishly. “Enough!” Kakashi yelled, “We have to get her to a hospital…NOW!” They took off towards Konohagakure, the Hidden Leaf Village.
It wasn’t until the next day that she came around. Where am I, she thought, a room, I know that…I’m in a bed, in a room. There are people in the room. Two? Three? I hear them talking about something. Is it me? Kakashi walked into the room. He looked at one of the ANBU black opts, “Is she going to be alright?” “Her left arm is broken, and her chakara hasn’t fully recovered yet,” he answered, “but she should make a full recovery.” Kakashi sighed and looked towards the bed. The ninja was only a little older than Sakura, but had still managed to defeat seven jounin. Besides the fact that she had blood on her face, she looked rather cute. Kakashi almost started to blush, but contained himself. “Thank you,” she suddenly spoke out. “What?” Kakashi asked startled. “You thought I was pretty, so I said ‘thank you,’” she answered. WHAT!?Kakashi thought, I didn’t even say it…I wonder if she possess the power to read minds. “I’m going to forget you asked that, and yes, I can,” she said crisply. She turned to an ANBU black opt. She turned to an ANBU and said, “you’re terrified of me, aren’t you?” “W-what?” he stammered. “You’re T-E-R-R-I-F-IE-D of me,” she said, more forcefully this time.
A grim notion crossed Kakashi’s mind. If she managed to get out, she could discover the secrets of our village. That could put us all in danger! “What a great idea,” she spoke out, “but that would be too much work.” Kakashi looked stunned. He began to leave the room. “Wait a minute…” the tracker called out to Kakashi, “don’t you need to know my name?” “Uhhh…I guess so, yeah…” “Well it’s Rika.” Then, he took off.
Sakura sat wearily in her room. Since the newcomer had arrived, Kakashi hadn’t assigned any missions. There was NOTHING to do! Maybe I can ask Kakashi sensei if I could go see her…she thought.
At the hospital… “What do you mean by ‘sorry you can’t see her now?” Sakura yelled. “Sakura, you are in a hospital.” Kakashi, who appeared mysteriously behind her, scolded. “But Sensei,” Sakura pleaded, “why can’t I go see her?” “Because she has proven more dangerous than before.” Kakashi answered. “That’s no reason why she can’t come see me!” They both turned around at the voice, and Kakashi gasped. There she stood. Rika. There was something different about her too. Instead of blood caked only on her face, it was now all over her arms. She gave Kakashi an evil smile, “I need a different room, it’s all covered on blood now! Tee-hee!” Kakashi’s one visible eye widened as he looked down the hall. A tiny river of blood was draining from the crack in the doorway. She managed to kill all of those ANBU black opts, and not even a scratch on her! “It was all too easy!” Rika spoke out, “to kill them all. But I’m sorry to say, one got away. Heh heh… probably scarred for life.” She looked at their faces, hoping to see signs of horror and sorrow. Only one of them showed fear…the other anger and fury. It scared her, Kakashi’s glare. She looked back towards Sakura to see anger in her eyes as well. “Y-you’re not afraid…that I just killed all of those ANBU black opts?” “No.” Kakashi answered grimly. He reached out and grabbed her left arm. The scream that came out of her mouth gave Kakashi a sickening feeling. It was like hearing entire flocks of crows screech at once. She collapsed onto the ground, grasping the spot on her arm where he grabbed her. He looked at his hand. Blood. He had only briefly touched her, before she screamed. Sakura knelt down beside the shaking girl. She put a hand on her shoulder only to have her shriek again. Blood dripped from her hand as well. Sakura’s hair stood on end. “Don’t touch me!!” she screamed. Before, to Kakashi, she had seemed like a threat…now she seemed like a little girl. A poor, sad, hurt, little girl. He pulled his sleeves over his hands and lifted her, once more, off the ground, and into the empty hospital room. She had not shrieked like before. As Kakashi turned to take one final look at the mysterious girl, a sudden thought crept into his mind. Why didn’t she shriek like when I grabbed her arm and when Sakura touched her shoulder?
He walked into the waiting room. Sakura was still on the ground, grasping her bloodied hand. She looked at him. “Why do you think she screamed like that?” He gazed down the hall once more, avoiding the trail of blood draining from the door, “I don’t know…”
Sasuke spent the days Kakashi left open recovering from the complex jutsu. He had often taken walks, to calm his nerves. The scene he had relived from his childhood kept appearing in his mind. Remembering those eyes. His parents. Why…why did that stupid girl have to do this to me! Come on, Why not Naruto or Sakura?! However, the more he thought, the more the memories kept coming back. Over and over…never ceasing. “WHY?!!?” he screamed at the top of his lungs, “WHY DID YOU HAVE TO DO THIS TO ME!!!!!!!!” “…...because it’s my strongest defense…..” Sasuke gasped slightly. He spun around….face to face with the mysterious girl. He jumped back, weapon in hand. She raised a hand to stop him. “I don’t mean to cause you any harm.” Her voice reminded Sasuke of another tracker ninja he had faced, earlier on his first big mission. Haku, Zabuza’s henchman. Go figure, he thought. The girl put down her hand. Sasuke noticed the blood on her arms but didn’t bother commenting. “You’ve gone through so much,” she started, “Your entire clan…gone….dead…” She looked towards the west, “You might not believe me on this…but I know, personally, who did this to you.”
Sasuke thought he was hearing things. “Y-you know…” “He is a good friend of mine…Itachi-san.” She blushed. That last sentence echoed painfully in his head. She said…friend, He thought, FRIEND! She sighed, “I knew you wouldn’t believe me.” Sasuke snapped back, “Yeah, so why should I? I mean, come on, I’m supposed to accept that you brought my past back to haunt me, and now you tell me you know….Itachi!?” It hurt him to say his brother’s name.
She smirked a little. “I guess you still think about him.” Seeing Sasuke suffer was almost too good. “Just so you know,” she pointed out, “your little friend is in danger, worse than ever.” She could not contain herself much longer. A small giggle escaped her lips. Sasuke glared at her, but she didn’t care. “Oh, and one more thing…he’s waiting…for you.” She jumped into the nearby tree and disappeared.
Sasuke stood in that spot for at least an hour, thinking about what the girl had said. He’s waiting…for you. “Uggg, why me…”
He trudged over to a park bench and sat down wearily. Should I go tell Kakashi sensei? He thought, and what did she mean by ‘your little friend is in trouble’? “Sasuke-kun?” He was a little startled by the voice, but instantly relaxed. It was Sakura. He sighed, “What do you want.” “Oh, I didn’t mean to disturb you…but I need your help,” she said nervously. Sasuke was apparently NOT in a good mood. “What, then?” he answered. Sakura told him about what had happened earlier. Sasuke stopped her, “So you‘re telling me she was supposed to be in the hospital?” “Huh? What do you mean? She was in the hospital this entire time.” Sasuke looked annoyed by what Sakura just said, “So the girl that I was talking to was just an illusion. Is that right?” They looked at each other, and took off towards the hospital. Man, I really hate that ninja! Sasuke thought.
Naruto spent the off-days doing what he normally did: eat ramen, and play ‘ninja’ with Konohamaru and his buddies. He was taking his usual walk to Ichiraku’s ramen shop, when he dropped the mask on the ground, he was greatly fascinated by it. He bent down to pick it up. When he had gotten up off the ground, he found himself face to face with Hinata. During his surprise, he had clumsily dropped the mask, again. Hinata bent down to pick it up. “I think this is yours, Naruto-kun….” “Oh, yeah, thanks Hinata-chan!” He gave her his trademark squint, “Hey, do you want to go grab some ramen with me?” “Ummm….S-sure…Naruto-kun…I…would…uhh…I mean…I would love …I mean like it if I c-could go with you…” Naruto chuckled, that’s just like Hinata to give a reply like that! He didn’t mind, though. “We’d better get going then.” “O-okay,” Hinata said timidly. It was the first time he had offered to take her anywhere. “Then let’s go! I’m hungry!” Naruto squealed excitedly.
The both of them arrived at Ichiraku’s ramen shop a little before noon. Perfect timing! “Hey Hinata,” Naruto said to the shy girl, “What type of ramen are you gonna order?” “Um…I guess I…why don’t you order for me..!” “Okay then,” Naruto answered, “how does miso ramen sound?” Hinata nodded her head, “That sounds great…” Naruto just smiled and turned to the chef, ordering the ramen. Hinata continued to watch him as they ate the ramen. I wonder if he’s figure out I…no! Hinata thought. He has no idea I like him…He probably just thinks of me as a friend…Oh well…why do I even try! He already likes Sakura! Naruto stopped eating (because he had finished) and turned towards Hinata. “Um, Hinata-chan?” He started, “I was wondering i-if you’re…uh…” “What?” she asked hopefully. “Are you gonna finish your ramen?” Naruto finished quickly. Hinata’s heart sank in her chest, “Oh…no…you can have it.” Nauto exedidly took the bowl and began to eat again. Don’t worry, he’ll open up eventually! A sudden voice in Hinata’s mind spoke out.She fell backwards in surprise. “Ow!” she cried as her head hit the road behind her. Naruto, who had finished the remaining ramen, jumped off his seat and helped her up. “Are you ok?” he asked worriedly. Before she could answer, a cold gust of wind blew out of nowhere…engulfing the two genin. Hinata cried in fright. Naruto took out a kunai, ready for battle.
Kakashi appeared before them , looking a little annoyed, as he serched the street. “Gaah! What do you think you’re doing, Kakashi-sensei?”Naruto called out, “You practically scared Hinata-chan half to death!” Hinata looked at him in surprise. He was scared too! A little anyways…
Kakashi ignored Naruto’s question. He turned and loked them straight in the eyes and said in a demanding tone, “If you see that girl anywhere, come tell me emediatlly!” “Why, though?” Naruto asked clulessly, “did she do something bad, or what?” He looked at Naruto, “Let’s just say she’s somewhere she’s not supposed to be at the moment.” In a flury of leaves he was gone. Leaving the two pondering about what Kakashi had said. “Sheesh, he’s annoyong!” a girl’s voice spoke up, “He’s not givin’ up on me that easily!” The girl called Rika stepped out of the bushes. Naruto locked eyes with her instantly. She shook off his glare and focused on Hinata. “Y’ know,” she started, “I didn’t mean for you to fall backwards like that. You’re a lot more squemish than I thought!”
“Hey, kid,” she started, “you should really pay attention to people’s feelings a little more.” Naruto looked puzzled. “What do you mean? I’m nice to people!” “Oh, really?” Rika answered stiffly, “I think there’s someone you could appreciate more than you do now!” Looking around, Naruto said dumbly, “Where? I don’t see them.” “Were you born this stupid?!” she yelled, “HER!!” Looking back at the shy girl, Nauto seemed even more confused. “I don’t treat Hinata badly!” he snapped back, “she’s a good friend!” Shaking her head, Rika knelt down next to Naruto. She placed three fingers on his forehead. “Look,” she said in an echoey voice. The sky turnned black as it had during Sasuke’s fight. There was a scene of a classroom. A small boy was at the fromt.He made a hand sign and transformed into a grotesque form of the Hokage. All the children started laughing at the sight. The boy went back to his regular form looking away with teary eyes. That’s ME! Naruto though, So this was the sort of thing Sasuke saw. The scene shifted to the right of the room In the back cornor. A girl with dark hair sat looking at the boy. But she wasn’t laughing.. In fact, she looked really disturbed by all the laughing. That’s…Hinata…he though. He blinked and there was another scene. There were lots of ninja gathered in a room. Naruto knew where THIS scene took place. It was the day all the rookie ninja were assigned to groups. Iruka sensei was at the front with a clipboard. He cleared his throat and spoke, “Team 7: Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura, Uchiha Sasuke.” Sakura looked overjoyed. Naruto looked bummed. Sakura turnned to him and said, “Naruto, get! I wanna sit by Sasuke!” Naruto got up and reluctantly sat down in an empty seat. “Squad 8: Hyuuga Hinata,” Iruka spoke out, “Inuzuka Kiba, Aburame Shino.” “H-hi, Naruto-kun…” a shy voice in front of him spoke. “Hmmm?...Oh, it’s you Hinata-chan,” he replied sleepily. Hinata played with her hair, “We didn’t get put on the same team…maybe the senseis will change it later…” “Yeah, sure whatever…” he was definitatly out of it. ‘How come I always attract the wierdos!?’ He though. Hinata cringed at the words. This was really hurting her! The REAL Naruto was fumming that the stupid girl was bringing these stupid memories up. “Hey! Why are you showing me these stupid flashbacks anyways!” he demanded, “it’s not like I’m the only one who makes mistakes!” “Hey I’m just sayin’!” Rika answered, “do you even know what she’s been through?” Naruto thought for a moment. Suddenly, he remembered his fight with Neji and how he had told him about their family. Yet, he really didn’t know what Hinata’s life was like. “Well..uhhh…” “My point!”
“Uhhhh…..you don’t have to, I mean…” Hinata protested. Rika looked as if she was going to explode, “If you want him to know, THEN JUST STAY QUIET!” Hinata cringed again. Naruto shot her an angry glance. Shaking his gaze off again, Rika put her hand on Hinata’s forehead, “You’re lucky I’m so nice. This really uses a lot if chakara!” There were three people in a room. One Naruto recognized one as Kurenai sensei. The other looked like royalty, all standing up tall in front of the others. There was also a little girl on the floor,she must’ve been tired from training since she was breathing so hard. Kuranai spoke, “So I will take Hinata under my wing, but are you sure this is what you want?” She continued, “The life of a ninja can be harsh and lifethreatening, she is your eldest and heir to the clan.” “Do as you must,” the man answered, “She is of less worth than her sister five years prior to her.” Kurenai looked stunned as he spoke, “If you have nothing more to say, then leave us.” She nodded and went outside. As soon as she got out, Kurenai saw Hinata standing by the wall looking devestated. “Hinata,” she wispered. Naruto heard a soft noise and he turned around, to see Hinata sobbing hard. So this is why she’s so shy…he though to himself. They flashed through scenes one after the other. Each one showed her suffering more that the last. Finally they got to the big fight. Naruto bounded up the stairs cheerfully. He had defeated Kiba in the Chunin Exams and was not modest to brag about it. “Yeah it was nothin’! a piece of cake!!” he yelled at the top of his lungs. He was approahing where Hinata was standing. As he passed she called out in the biggest voice she could manage, “N-Naruto?...” Naruto turned to her, “Hmmm? Did you say something Hinata-chan?” “I w-was wondering i-if you…” Hinata held out a small container ful of healing ointment, “……………” Naruto accepted it and walked off. The board flashed green and began flipping through names. In a small ‘ding’ it had stopped in the names ‘Hyuuga Neji’ and ‘Hyuuga Hinata’. Hinata looked mortified as she stepped into the arena across from her cousin. The match started with Neji destoying her selfesteem. Naruto then yelled to Hinata, “Hey, Hinata!! You just gonna stand there!!?? C’ mon you’re making me crazy!!!!” Hinata looked up at him and smiled, ‘thank you Naruto-kun’ She used many handsigns and focused her chakara, “Byakugan!” Her and Neji took their poses and charged, Hinata making the first attack. The match continued to ring with the sound of attacks. Then Neji struck her with the Byakugan, sending her stumbling down coughing. She got back up. Through the match, the real Naruto kept hearing thoughts like ‘I can win’ and ‘I will not lose in front of the person I admire the most’. She continued to fight in her worsoning conditions. She lunged at Neji with a strong attack, only to be hit with his Byakugan and fall to the floor unmoving. “Your blows were ineffective from the start,” Neji scoffed, “You never had a chance.” To Neji’s surprise, Hinata shakily and slowly rose to her feet. “I will not lose here…” she said couragously. “I…n-nevr go…back…on..my word…” Neji glared at her, “Why keep this up knowing you’ll never defeat me? You’re hurting inside from this, aren’t you?” “No, my nii-chan, you are the one who is hurting inside,” Hinata answered, “From being born into the second branch, you are hurting because you are neglecting your duty…” “WHA--?” Neji yelled, “NEVER!!!” He charged at Hinata in fury. Before he could hit her, several jounin stopped him. Gai scolded him harshly. Hinata let out a series of strong coughs before crumbling down. Kurenai rushed to her side. Naruto, Sakura, and Lee ran down to see her. Naruto bent down by Hinata’s side as she whispered to him, “N-Naruto…do you think…I changed?…maybe…a little?”
The scene ended along with the jutsu. Rika was panting hard. “My work here is done,” Rika said as she disappeared into the tall tree. Naruto looked at the still sobbing Hinata, she’s suffering almost more than…me!
hope ya liked it.....it took FOREVER just to get there. i stpooed it cuz the next part is full of action and stunning facts and it would ruin the mood! xp
iGlomp-Monster · Mon Jul 02, 2007 @ 07:23pm · 2 Comments |