I can't believe how such a short time has passed! It feels like Easter was ages and ages ago! But it was only a little over a month ago. How lovely ^_^ Today has been so slow. The last few months have been so slow. But I've enjoyed them ^^ And has it only been 3 weeks since....wow, such a short eternity!
Just one week of school left! That means: 4 Earth Science (yay!) 4 Advanced Math 4 Religion 2 PE (yay!) 2 Choir 5 English (bleh) 5 American History (aww...) 4 Spanish classes left! Amazing! Not counting exam review, of course 4laugh Jacie's very happy about the math classes ^_^ And of those, one of them is 25 minutes, with part of a test, and the last one is a test day! YAY! Simplicity!
I see such pretty things when I close my eyes now. Nothing bad or ugly. Just pretty ^_^ And I smell something very good right now! Spaghetti! But no black olives sad We haven't had any in the sauce for a very long time. It smells different when we do, very very better.
It's such a gorgeous day! We went to Sweet Fire and Ice for Mother's Day, and I have to say, that place is great! Aside from them burning my mom's food twice sad But mine tasted good, and they have good cheesecake. But then, that's to be expected, as part of the Copeland restaurant family ^_^ I miss Straya sad
I really feel like drawing right now. But I need to finish my last picture, just 'cause I messed up how I wanted it at the beginning, and the way I fixed it is very...interesting. Chibis are fun to draw, happy, sad, or any which way! They were supposed to be laughing in my picture, but the first one wouldn't work, so she ended up looking a little sad. The second one came out laughing, though. It's a mismatched pair, but at the same time, it's almost like I planned it that way, which I didn't. They were supposed to be happy crying
I keep typing...guess I feel like jabbering right now.
lol, finally, I found this!

But that's not the one I remember hearing...
"Men are like a deck of cards: you need a heart to love him, a diamond to marry him, a club to beat him, and a spade to bury him."
I think that's it...idk, I keep forgetting. Befuddled, bewitched, beguiled. Whatever. Edgy, more like it, actually. Edgy and confused, forgetting myself. Perhaps.
But at least I got to laugh when I knew Mary Grace would be the MAO Sec/Tres for next year. Waaaaaay before the voting was done. But I got nothing, as I expected. They're not going to vote for me, since I'm only their classmate, not their friend. xp But even though my only responsibility lies in choir, I am going to help with the rest of the clubs I'm in. which reminds me, we need to use the buzzers more often. It's hard to remember to buzz in when people are used to raising their hands gonk
nepie · Mon May 14, 2007 @ 12:01am · 0 Comments |