February 2014
[02/08/14 01:15am] Wow
April 2011
[04/19/11 09:31pm] Easter
December 2010
[12/21/10 12:21pm] Not hungover
June 2010
[06/18/10 12:49pm] Achievement?
May 2010
[05/29/10 01:23pm] Fury[05/23/10 02:01am] Feeling Down[05/21/10 06:49am] Still a bunny[05/06/10 01:41pm] Mood bubbles[05/01/10 12:16pm] Upset
February 2010
[02/23/10 09:01am] Yesterday[02/17/10 10:43pm] Yoga[02/15/10 02:02pm] Valentine's Day 2010[02/14/10 10:43pm] Double You Tee Eff[02/12/10 01:41am] SURVIVOR[02/11/10 05:12am] You Win, Mother Nature[02/07/10 02:14am] Dreamcast <3[02/06/10 01:23pm] I'm not emo, I'm hormonal.[02/04/10 03:06pm] written yesterday at 6:30[02/03/10 02:19am] Man am I tired[02/01/10 01:45am] No headline has been entered for this entry...
January 2010
[01/31/10 10:00pm] Taking a page from his book[01/25/10 01:49am] Death and Empathy[01/24/10 01:20am] I'm a girly girl? [01/23/10 03:19am] Fuck You Gaia[01/21/10 01:39am] I'm having a fantastic hair day[01/20/10 05:23pm] Obsessing[01/20/10 01:51am] Not having a good day[01/17/10 10:31pm] Gray[01/13/10 08:03pm] Fuck me[01/11/10 10:44am] Fuck me[01/06/10 11:15am] Dreams[01/02/10 08:12pm] Happy New Year 2010
December 2009
[12/28/09 01:51pm] No headline has been entered for this entry...[12/24/09 04:09pm] Christmas Gifts ^-^ [12/23/09 10:32am] Hiatus Begun[12/21/09 01:59am] Plan[12/19/09 01:43pm] Bad Move, Poor Form[12/17/09 03:41am] Malcontent[12/15/09 04:55pm] Oh that sucks..[12/09/09 10:47pm] Snacks[12/09/09 02:29pm] No headline has been entered for this entry...[12/08/09 11:53am] The hell is this? [12/06/09 01:25pm] More dreams and some partying[12/04/09 11:51am] Tired[12/02/09 11:58am] No headline has been entered for this entry...[12/01/09 12:59pm] Just keeping a log
November 2009
[11/30/09 11:03am] No headline has been entered for this entry...[11/29/09 10:38am] Just keeping a log[11/28/09 10:38am] Oh thank you, I love my bed.[11/27/09 06:21am] 14m 11/27/09[11/01/09 03:29pm] Piggy Flu
October 2009
[10/28/09 03:15am] Bed time
September 2009
[09/10/09 10:00pm] Annoyance[09/02/09 08:34pm] avatar art
August 2009
[08/27/09 12:23pm] I'm feeling reflective.. emo[08/22/09 11:09am] *Whines*[08/02/09 01:09am] Forgetful
July 2009
[07/11/09 01:06pm] What should I do?[07/10/09 03:13am] Confirmed[07/04/09 11:13am] CURSES[07/02/09 12:28am] I am such a geek...
June 2009
[06/16/09 11:44am] well fuck[06/13/09 02:19am] Roleplay
May 2009
[05/19/09 12:58pm] aquarium gold[05/05/09 03:43pm] Great find
April 2009
[04/08/09 04:14am] Holy crap I'm tired[04/04/09 12:39pm] back pain
March 2009
[03/31/09 02:44pm] Twilight[03/27/09 01:50pm] Foggy Friday[03/27/09 02:33am] Done[03/23/09 03:31pm] Another Monday[03/18/09 09:11am] St. Patrick's Day[03/14/09 02:15am] No headline has been entered for this entry...[03/13/09 10:22pm] CE's[03/13/09 04:11am] No headline has been entered for this entry...[03/12/09 11:12am] current gold[03/11/09 01:33pm] LISTEN TO ME[03/08/09 11:34pm] Bunny Slippers[03/02/09 10:15pm] Bad mood[03/02/09 03:06am] It's nice when I think
February 2009
[02/26/09 11:09am] Bah[02/25/09 11:14pm] Lenten Journal[02/22/09 11:47am] day off[02/19/09 10:42am] Dreams[02/19/09 03:30am] Tired[02/17/09 09:03pm] Roleplay and aquarium[02/15/09 02:00pm] [RE] Valentine's Day[02/15/09 11:05am] 2-15-09[02/13/09 11:18am] 2-13-09[02/12/09 11:06am] 2-12-09[02/11/09 11:55am] 2-11-09[02/11/09 03:45am] holy shit I'm tired[02/10/09 11:00am] 2-10-09[02/09/09 11:02am] 2-9-09[02/08/09 11:05am] 2-8-09[02/07/09 11:01am] 2-7-09[02/06/09 11:01am] 2-6-09[02/05/09 11:51am] 2-5-09[02/04/09 01:20pm] 2-4-09[02/03/09 12:52pm] GOLD[02/03/09 12:49pm] 2-3-09[02/02/09 12:38pm] 2-2-09[02/01/09 04:46pm] [RE] Ohayocon[02/01/09 01:00pm] 2-1-09
January 2009
[01/31/09 12:44pm] 1-31-09[01/30/09 10:43am] 1-30-09[01/29/09 11:25pm] That's Jacked Up[01/29/09 11:21am] 1-29-09[01/28/09 05:51pm] 1-28-09[01/27/09 08:40am] 1-27-09[01/27/09 03:46am] holy shit[01/26/09 11:04am] 1-26-09[01/25/09 03:18pm] My subconious is smoking somethin'[01/25/09 01:28pm] 1-25-09[01/24/09 11:00am] fucked up dream[01/24/09 10:52am] 1124-09[01/23/09 10:40am] Liquidation[01/23/09 09:55am] 1-23-09[01/22/09 11:00am] 1-22-09[01/21/09 11:49am] 1-21-09[01/20/09 11:01am] 1-20-09[01/19/09 04:59pm] 1-19-09[01/17/09 11:04am] 1-17-09[01/16/09 11:15pm] Wow, a real entry![01/16/09 01:09pm] 1-16-09[01/15/09 01:00pm] 1-15-09[01/14/09 11:02am] 1-14-09[01/13/09 12:59pm] 1-13-19[01/12/09 11:00am] 1-12-09[01/11/09 08:11pm] 1-11-09[01/10/09 11:07pm] 1-11-09[01/08/09 11:00am] 1-8-09[01/07/09 01:51pm] 1-7-09[01/06/09 11:03am] 1-6-09[01/05/09 02:35pm] 1-5-09[01/04/09 01:14pm] 1-4-09[01/03/09 11:38am] 1-3-09[01/02/09 12:20pm] 1/2/09[01/01/09 12:04pm] 1/1/09
December 2008
[12/31/08 01:32pm] 12/31[12/30/08 12:12pm] 12/30[12/29/08 11:03am] 12/29[12/28/08 01:25pm] 12/28[12/27/08 01:46pm] 12/27[12/26/08 12:32pm] 12/26[12/25/08 02:47pm] 12/25[12/24/08 12:00pm] Xmas eve 12/24[12/23/08 01:01pm] 21/23[12/22/08 11:38pm] aquarium 12/22[12/21/08 11:02am] No headline has been entered for this entry...[12/20/08 11:54am] aquarium 12/20[12/19/08 12:11pm] 12/19 aquarium[12/18/08 11:07am] 12/18[12/17/08 02:47pm] How about a real entry[12/17/08 12:19pm] aquarium 12/17[12/16/08 11:03am] aquarium 12/16[12/15/08 12:52pm] aquarium 12/15[12/14/08 11:05am] aquarium 12/14[12/13/08 01:31pm] aquarium 12/13[12/12/08 09:38am] 12/12 aquarium.[12/11/08 11:06am] aquarium 12/11[12/10/08 12:58pm] aquarrium 12/10 [12/09/08 03:26pm] aquarrium 12/9[12/08/08 02:07pm] aquarrium 12/8 [12/07/08 07:38pm] Aquarrium 12/7[12/06/08 01:35pm] aquarium 12/6/08
November 2008
[11/30/08 04:58am] why am I awake?[11/27/08 03:05pm] I work hard for my gold too[11/22/08 02:32pm] Birthday![11/20/08 11:12am] Get me through today[11/16/08 04:35pm] Today[11/14/08 01:39am] I Solo'd Papa Saw
October 2008
[10/30/08 11:04am] 5th Place![10/08/08 11:03am] aquarium[10/04/08 02:49am] EI Report <3[10/03/08 02:57pm] Orange face stripe
September 2008
[09/27/08 04:55pm] So, on top of everything
August 2008
[08/25/08 02:34am] PMS[08/18/08 10:37pm] Emergency Room[08/10/08 08:03am] Dissapointment[08/09/08 10:54pm] bored at work[08/07/08 07:34am] Flyleaf[08/06/08 03:51pm] 4:30
July 2008
[07/14/08 12:51am] Parents
June 2008
[06/27/08 12:04pm] Faunzy's moves[06/25/08 12:27pm] I... [06/16/08 01:07am] No headline has been entered for this entry...[06/13/08 04:55pm] No headline has been entered for this entry...[06/02/08 04:00am] Prince Caspian
May 2008
[05/28/08 07:06pm] Moderator Applications[05/28/08 05:26am] They picked me![05/25/08 05:46am] Gah[05/08/08 10:05pm] Cleaning, packing[05/07/08 06:12am] No headline has been entered for this entry...[05/05/08 03:33am] Tired
April 2008
[04/16/08 04:14pm] Uncommon Goods[04/12/08 01:57am] What was I going to say?[04/11/08 03:24am] Go Gaia!
March 2008
[03/31/08 01:17am] Negativity[03/16/08 03:05pm] LI[03/16/08 06:07am] Not normal[03/12/08 03:16pm] Webware 100[03/12/08 12:36am] I unlocked Sonic the Hedgehog[03/03/08 02:36pm] Hacker[03/02/08 02:54pm] Magical Girl Monthly Collectable[03/02/08 05:37am] Sunday
February 2008
[02/27/08 12:32pm] Hackers[02/27/08 03:40am] Sleepy Bunny[02/23/08 05:34pm] Bored[02/20/08 08:19pm] Taxes[02/19/08 01:57pm] About the one I love[02/09/08 12:50am] Three chat lists[02/07/08 09:11pm] Lent[02/02/08 03:49am] Happy
January 2008
[01/25/08 03:40am] Today was better[01/23/08 09:34pm] The worst today[01/21/08 09:49pm] How the mind works[01/17/08 01:42pm] Dur de dur[01/10/08 09:52pm] First day back[01/08/08 05:10am] Not Again[01/07/08 11:57am] No headline has been entered for this entry...
December 2007
[12/27/07 07:18pm] Christmas[12/17/07 07:20am] Another day done[12/13/07 12:58am] 100% better[12/11/07 06:02pm] Breakdown[12/09/07 07:57pm] No headline has been entered for this entry...
November 2007
[11/28/07 03:52pm] I was a good nurse yesterday[11/23/07 01:38am] Happy Birthsgiving![11/20/07 02:14pm] Small[11/17/07 01:38pm] Why I'm wearing what I am wearing[11/14/07 09:05pm] Rest in Peace[11/14/07 03:08am] Bruises and Death[11/12/07 03:13pm] OSU Michigan Blood Battle[11/11/07 12:35am] LOST[11/10/07 03:32pm] What do you expect?
October 2007
[10/21/07 09:06pm] Not enough time[10/13/07 01:44pm] Ann Arbor is a whore.[10/08/07 12:02pm] RCIA
September 2007
[09/21/07 06:51am] Oh I am so pissed[09/01/07 12:52pm] I did a bad bad thing
August 2007
[08/21/07 11:28am] The Big C[08/17/07 12:58am] Hackers suck and if you're friends with one, I los...[08/16/07 01:13am] I went to church tonight[08/15/07 02:59am] I miss Ryan[08/13/07 02:49am] Bored[08/12/07 03:59am] Stollen from i_am_jj[08/09/07 11:29am] It makes me gag[08/08/07 11:29am] Sick[08/07/07 11:29am] No headline has been entered for this entry...[08/02/07 05:26pm] Mod-ship[08/02/07 12:06pm] He did it to me again
July 2007
[07/30/07 03:10am] I love my sweetie[07/30/07 02:13am] Fuck me![07/28/07 05:28am] Hello people[07/23/07 02:45am] Somebunny is [07/22/07 07:53am] Another night of going to bed at 3am[07/17/07 03:37pm] The official results are in.. YOU ARE THE FATHER![07/16/07 01:30pm] Vote for me![07/15/07 04:41am] The results[07/13/07 12:57pm] 6 hours of sleep[07/09/07 12:59am] Weekend details[07/08/07 11:36pm] Sad Bunny[07/08/07 05:38am] Oh happy day[07/06/07 02:05pm] Be jealous <3[07/04/07 05:52am] No half bunnies running around[07/03/07 07:36pm] Oh yes[07/02/07 02:03pm] My baby knows all the right things to say[07/01/07 09:39pm] Some bunny time
June 2007
[06/30/07 01:10pm] Content[06/29/07 03:33pm] No headline has been entered for this entry...[06/29/07 04:58am] Parallel Play[06/22/07 11:59am] Hella Good Dream[06/21/07 02:34am] o_o[06/20/07 11:58am] Certain things can really piss me off[06/18/07 12:49pm] Sad bunny[06/15/07 04:46pm] Pictures!![06/15/07 04:44am] Posted earlier on LJ[06/12/07 01:51am] I've graduated[06/08/07 12:26pm] That's right bitches[06/03/07 05:49pm] Please do this <3 [06/01/07 03:09am] Well
May 2007
[05/31/07 02:47am] I feel accomplished[05/30/07 01:20pm] School stuffs[05/29/07 01:18am] So, the good, the bad and the ugly[05/20/07 01:24pm] Good morning[05/18/07 12:28pm] Another dream.[05/16/07 12:24pm] OMGLOLWTFBBQFTW[05/15/07 02:08pm] I should be getting breakfast, not writing[05/15/07 01:21am] I'm a sad bunny[05/14/07 02:44am] Please let it work <3[05/02/07 10:06pm] Well now. I stole it. <3[05/02/07 07:18pm] So that dumbshit
April 2007
[04/27/07 07:48pm] Going away[04/03/07 02:05am] I was bored.
March 2007
[03/12/07 03:44am] It smells like Japan[03/05/07 11:12pm] Oh it gets better[03/05/07 03:35pm] What. The. Fuck.[03/05/07 03:09pm] Hmm[03/01/07 09:42pm] Another dream
February 2007
[02/28/07 02:33pm] What. The. Hell.[02/25/07 04:51pm] Pictures of me![02/21/07 01:57am] Fuck it[02/19/07 07:16pm] It ruptured[02/01/07 09:25pm] I can't WoW, Ryan's on. :(
January 2007
[01/21/07 01:24pm] SNOW[01/16/07 08:15pm] Happy![01/08/07 11:21pm] More about the weekend[01/08/07 06:56pm] Sad Bunny[01/03/07 10:02pm] I dreamt I died[01/02/07 08:24pm] What is normal?
December 2006
[12/27/06 05:41am] Ohayocon[12/25/06 11:39pm] Stolen from [Valen][12/18/06 09:12pm] You've been warned[12/14/06 03:46pm] Sunrise[12/12/06 03:06pm] More funeral funness[12/10/06 01:40pm] The update, you knew it was coming.[12/09/06 03:45am] Today[12/06/06 04:42pm] Cookies[12/02/06 07:55pm] More of the unfolding story[12/01/06 04:33am] Um
November 2006
[11/30/06 09:29pm] How interesting[11/25/06 05:02am] Feeling down again[11/22/06 01:25pm] Happy Birthday Bunny[11/20/06 01:06pm] National Championship 11/18/06
October 2006
[10/31/06 08:00pm] This weekend
September 2006
[09/29/06 04:14pm] So I feel like writing[09/29/06 02:22pm] Dun blow me up[09/26/06 12:53pm] Dream[09/19/06 03:08pm] Rainbow *mimics Ji!*[09/17/06 02:05pm] Mass[09/16/06 05:59pm] I'm a little cranky
August 2006
[08/30/06 02:49pm] So kiss me good bye
July 2006
[07/06/06 01:59pm] Just some whining
June 2006
[06/02/06 10:26pm] Yesterday's Dream
April 2006
[04/18/06 12:56am] She's nice but she's white[04/07/06 09:22pm] I feel..
March 2006
[03/22/06 03:46am] I'm tired, cranky and missing my baby[03/11/06 12:47am] Last night[03/02/06 10:36pm] Meh
February 2006
[02/05/06 03:57am] My Uncle, Tom's Birthday
January 2006
[01/28/06 04:38pm] Dreams, parts 1 and 2
December 2005
[12/30/05 10:56pm] Updating[12/30/05 10:15pm] Another dream
January 2005
[01/02/05 10:56pm] Back at Columbus
December 2004
[12/31/04 03:48pm] Quiz thingie[12/25/04 06:06pm] Merry Christmas[12/12/04 04:08pm] I love you[12/05/04 05:59pm] They're back
November 2004
[11/04/04 08:35pm] Ne?
September 2004
[09/26/04 08:49pm] -_-;[09/25/04 12:49pm] Hurricane Dream[09/25/04 04:48am] First Entry