What I see that no one else sees is the vast horizon.
The wavelengths of time and the curves of space: I am the eyes beyond your own.
Dear Human, do you understand why this is happening?
Why I'm talking to you know?
Human, It's in my nature to stay hidden.
To lock myself within yourself and keep quite, cause after all I am your soul.
You rely on me so much more than you realize.
Human, I want change.
In fact, Human, I demand a change.
Because dear Human I see things that you don't.
I see souls lose their homes to the swift hand of a blade.
Through the crisp bronze of a bullet.
To broken hearts.
Dear Human, your species change mine.
They make us evil.
Human, do you understand why I need you?
Why we all need you?
My brothers are turning red with hate and with lethal touch that your brothers cast upon them.
Dear Human, younger souls like my own are dying out there.
Human, I know you're confused. You're scared: I am too.
But, Human, you and I can change the minds of twisted souls and mangle their sights
To have them look at the future.
To have them see what they did wrong.
Human, I am counting on you to bring justice with your words and heart. The one I work
So hard to make golden.
Human, I am you and you are I.
We are just.

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