• "As we wait for the need of endless vivacities
    We find this to be evermore veracious:
    To die imperviously is to live in peril
    For trying to live while attempting to survive
    Is to be tormented;
    Warping our minds into a thing of hate..."

    I've wandered through depths unknown
    Nameless to even the darkest nightmares
    And laughed in the Reaper's face
    For even he cannot escape this place,
    My Abyss, this Reaper tries tearing through its dearth of light
    As a last serenade,
    I will break his embrace of eternity's rotted grace
    Bringing down all forced perspective, giving abyssal reality its reign

    You take me so lightly
    This talk of Hell and its tormented ways
    Take the twisted path of privation;
    Take the risks that I have since overcame
    Watch as your world falls as mine did,
    How fast isolation finds you
    You'll see that this endless torment binds you
    Ushering you to kneel on the floor
    You see me there in the darkness, the bringer of your maladies
    You were born to become this drudge internee
    The link that will break and set me free

    ******** the incredulous; I shall make them my adherents
    My active apperception,
    A constant cause for your consternation
    As is the sound of bells that conjured this blight to proliferate
    Asseverating your cessation
    As Hell's seventh gate beckons the tried of a thousand vexing trials
    Those turned forlorn by tribulation,
    Forbearing their conspired thoughts and jubilations

    Our Reaper now became aware,
    This life he came for, this hell he's forced to endure
    Was a man masked by rage,
    Forced to become, conform and obey
    But became something more,
    Learned the secrets of the more ancient and depraved