• Raven wings flying high above the world
    Light unseen the eyes of the raven
    Tears of the angel eyes
    Heaven not yet hear the cry's
    The raven cries out for the morning light
    Calling out and calling out for the morning light
    Unheard from the world
    Dont care for the one crying out for the morning
    Light hits the wings of the Raven
    Goes to an ghostly white
    Sliver and white
    So closest to snow white
    Morning light raise up and over the hillside unearth the world
    With Yellow and gold light

    Ghost Cries
    Ghostly shadow
    Sing to the night calling out
    Ring in the ears of human soul
    Bring the end to the shadow world
    No sun no light
    Hidden in the night
    Hiding from real light
    Yet the world is unknown
    To the cries and tears of the ghostly world
    Unheard from the world that is yet us
    There song yet unheard from the world
    There answer unheard of
    No one sees or heard them
    But know in the back of there mind
    The dark part of someone soul
    Darkness crawling
    Needing the song

    Read more: http://www.myspace.com/vampireselene/blog#ixzz10v3tjnyu