- The phone rings, 1,2,3, and some times even 4 times. i think that you wont answer and slowly i am saddened. but at the last moment i hear your sweat melody that others call your voice. my body becomes giddy with joy and jumping and smiling is all i can do to release the energy you have given me in the brief moment of your hello. i try to compose my self in the hopes that i don't sound like a complete and utter fool, i say "hay baby girl". with every soothing word that leaves your tongue, my yearning to be with you strengthens. to be able to come through the phone and hug you would be an understatement of what i would do if i had the ability. i so nonchalant ask you if you would want to spend the evening together. you answer with a simple but some how all answering yes. with this yes i know what you mean, i understand that you want me to be there with you, i understand that you wish to see me as i to see you. i make haste in ending the conversation so i can be on my way to come see the one i care for dearly. i change my clothes to a more appealing nature, and rush out the door barely saying my goodbyes. my father understands the reasons for this, he was a young boy with my scenario as well. i leap down my steps of my front porch and run to my truck in the feeling of every second wont be wasted. i start my engine with a sound that is almost identical to my behavior when i heard the news to come see you. my truck knows the routine well, he is happy for me and i know he is as well. i know how redundant this may sound but there is a bond between man and machine and not all know this. but this is not what i am here to speak of. i yank my truck into reverse and just as swift i was to leave i was as reckless. the roads curves do nothing in the attempt to slow me down. i know the route of which i take to see her as well as i know my own route to my home. there are no stops until i am almost a mile away from here house and it is always seeming to be red. 100 meters before that red light i thump through the railroad tracks in hopes of beating that yellow changing light. but no it is red before i arrive and my foot slams the breaks in hopes i don't look to reckless as a driver in front of possible police. the cars that begin to go that have been waiting while my light turned red look at me as they drive by, i give them a simple country nawd in there direction. the light finally turns green and i push my gas in and release my clutch making a getaway cars sound effect. the roads i drive become more and more crowded in some weird unannounced form of stopping me. i turn onto her road and almost pass her house at the speeds i am going. the music blaring the country songs i love and just like me my engine calms. i change my mood to a calmer mood even though it wont matter at the site of her. i open my door and hop down from my truck and climb her stairs to the door that she is behind. i greet her dad and mother and sister and my girl isn't in the room. nothing surprising she is a busy girl and she wants to make sure that the time we spend isn't interrupted by her forgotten chores. she walks into the room with such a normal yet elegant entrance. barely walking on the tip of her toes as she always does, and it is soon that i realize that i have been smiling the minute she had entered the room. we make quick small talk in the other room and decided it would be fun to go on a walk. then with her fathers approved i whisk her away. we leave the door and the steps and i grab her hand and kiss it, inhaling her sent she wears that is so euphoric that it just makes me wild. not that crazy wild just the wild in your eyes when you know you care for some one and the things that remind you of them makes you smile but then once you experience that thing that remembered you of them you realize that your senses were a little bit off and you recognize the real and greatness of them. that is the craze i get.

- Title: not really poetry
- Artist: ebanox
- Description: to the days that i wake with the morning dragging me down, i think of you. to those times the tasks become to difficult for me to want to finish,i think of you. contemplating what i have done to deserve you have gotten me no were. so to stop me from going round and around in my mind of that confusing question, i just think about what you do for me.
- Date: 09/24/2010
- Tags: really poetry
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