• Do you ever feel like you just wanna cut?
    Cut like there is absolutely no tomorrow?
    Then when you cut so deep and start to lose the blood you need
    And you start to get so pale and white in the face
    Then you start to get really weak and your eyesight starts to blur

    You get a taste of blood in your mouth
    And you wish you would have never done what you just did
    You wish you could undo the past and make the future what you want it to be?
    The future is your destiny

    The past is a gift
    Today is just the day you will regret for ding the things you've done
    You can't stop the cutting it's like a drug to you and you're the person that is addicted
    You can't get enough of the red pure blood in those veins

    But once you hit that main vein you would have wished you never would have started doing the deed you just finished
    You fall out of your chair
    Into your own blood that's pouring out of those wrists
    I guess it's too late now to redo the past that is now your today