James Alefantis (JimmyComet) is the owner of Ping Pong Pizza; His Twitter is now private, but some screen shots were taken of his profile before he did such. He also played ping pong at a place called 'Dr.Pong's' in Berlin, Germany.
The name 'James Alefantis' can be considered a cognate and comes from the French 'J'aime L'efantis' which translates to English as "I like children".
The old (?) profile pic of James on Twitter was the Greek God Antonis; Who was deified as a living god and was attracted to young boys (ages 12-18!).
There were multiple pictures of LITTLE GIRLS and BABIES on his account - with no names and not any parents tagged (though one pictured of a little girl who's arms are tapped to a table he's claimed to be his goddaughter), some of the pictures included coded hashtags from him, and affiliated accounts, such as:
(JimmyComet) -
1.) #ilovechocolatecake - 'Chocolate Cake' is code which means 'sex/orgasm'.
2.) #Scummings - 'Scumming' is when a creepy older guy lurks after a woman and tries to hit on her/Acting like a low-life ; Doing something you know is wrong, but doing it anyway/looking for someone of questionable morals to have sex with outside of their social status (Ex: A celebrity having secret sex with a prostitute).
3.) #mae - 'mae' can mean many things, the more interesting definitions I found are of it being an acronym meaning 'Merit Access Exchange' and 'Metropolitan Area Exchange' which makes me think of them trading little girls in the metro area.
4.) #hotard - 'hotard' means one who is a hoe and a retard.
5.) #doublemayo - 'Double mayo' is code which means 'semen'/multiple orgasms.
6.) #Chickenlover - 'Chicken Lover' is code for a homosexual man who's attracted to underage males.
7.) #buttmag - Any generic skin magazine such as PlayBoy and Pent House.
8.) #Squareform - (a business an ex employee is partners with @ccwoolman)
(Werkinonmahnightcheese) - ('Cheese' is code for 'Little girl)
1.) #killroom - Referring to a picture of an enclosed empty room that JimmyComet posted.
(adamfirstofman) -
1.) #killroom - Referring to a picture of an enclosed empty room that JimmyComet posted.
(Joewillis) -
1.) #hotard - 'hotard' means one who is a hoe and a retard.
(chrIstnjow) -
1.) #whatwhatinthebutt - South Park TV Show reference referring to rape.
Comments on OTHER pictures of JimmyComets:
(dr.nwo) - (dr.NewWorldOrder?)
1.) On a picture of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles holding pizza with above it saying 'Republican Party, Democrat Party, and a check mark next to Pizza Party:
A.) "Whip up the Haitian special, with extra cheese!" ('Cheese' is code for 'Little girl') (I couldn't help but to think of the 33 Haitian little girls who were going to be sold into sex trafficking by the elites- all 12yrs old and under.)
Notable people tagged by JimmyComet on the pictures of little girls and other posts:
1.) @ccwoolman - 'Cory Woolman' - She:
A.) Works at Portland Natural Casket Company LLC (in Portland Oregon) (They now offer small wooden pet caskets and urns).
B.) Consultant/Event Management at Comet Ping Pong Pizza (Oct 2011)
C.) Principle at ChildRoots Center for Young Children (Dec 2008 - May 2011)
D.) Manager at Northwest Film Center (2008 - 2010)
E.) Production/Location Manager at Freelance Film/Video Production (May 2006 - Aug 2009)
F.) Administrative Assistant at Brattle Film Foundation (Sep 2005 - May 2007)
G.) Production Assistant at WGBH (May 2007 - Aug 2007)
H.) Executive Director at Kids Multi Cultural After School Program (Sep 2005 - May 2007)
I.) Executive Manager at Toscanini's Ice Cream Co. Inc (Sep 2001 - May 2006)
J.) Partner of SquareForm (since 2011)
2.) @carrisjames - Not a Person?
A.) Other researchers have not been able to tie this name/account with any specific person.
B.) Due to the above reason, some researchers think it may be the drug 'Carrisoprodol' which is a muscle relaxer (that could be used on alleged victims.)
C.) This could point to James (JimmyComet) pointing out that he's using the drug on the children in the pictures.
3.) @werkinonmahnightcheese - Jeffery Smith - (Coff/ee/in - Coffee/Coffin)
A.) James Alefantis (JimmyComet) and Jeffery Smith worked on a "kill room" together that is located in the back of Jeff Smith's shop.
B.) Jeff Smith's shop is a wood and metal furniture business. The shop is located in The Pajama Factory in Pennsylvania which is about 3 hours and 45 minutes from DC.
C.) The Pajama Factory is a giant abandoned factory that is now divided up into different sections including offices, studios, event centers, and shops. It houses multiple tenants. The tenants have access to their space 24 hours a day.
D.) A body was found a few hours before a surprise inspection (21yr old Regina Lapp). Whether this is related or not is unknown but it did bring light to the fact that this place is seen as an artist commune and some of the tenants may be breaking the rules by living there.
E.) He is the owner of 'Luft Coffee', where his brother Blair Smith also works, and he and his brother refer to themselves as 'natural born killers' and 'coffee killers'. His brother Blair Smith (@jblairsmith) has joked with him on Twitter leaving the comment 'My favorite *****' on a picture of them together.
F.) All 3 (James, Jeffery, and Blair) are friends with Occultist @pandaheadmorgan (Morgan Hungerford West) who goes to many (occult) coffee shops, pizza places, and factories and takes pictures of them and posts them to her Twitter - She eve talks about mixing blood in her food recipes; There's other known (occultic) coffee shops she goes to - Little Red Fox (next to Comet Ping Pong), Room11DC, and Politics and Prose (across the street from Comet Ping Pong).
@joshuaryanv -
These people have worked closely with children before, have had shady friends, and now work with child-sized coffins.
I find it strange that all these people have connections to either #PizzaGate #DoughnutGate #CoffeeGate and the Podesta brothers and Clinton Foundation.
Codes to be aware of:
***** Code Words:
1.) Pizza - Girl
2.) Hotdog - Boy
3.) Cheese - Little Girl
4.) Pasta - Little Boy
5.) Ice Cream - Male Prostitute
6.) Walnut - Person of Color
7.) Map - Semen (in the context of DNA evidence)
8.) Sauce - Orgy
9.) Chicken Lover - Homosexual adult who's attracted to underage males
Sexual Code Words:
1.) Chocolate Cake - Sex/Orgasm
2.) Gravy - Sexual Blackmail/Services to Move Up in Rank
3.) Dominos - Domination Play
4.) Double Mayo - Multiple orgasms/Semen
Handkerchief Code:
1.) Black - S&M (Sadism and Masochism)
2.) White - Virgins/*****
3.) Dark Blue - a**l
4.) Light Blue - Oral Sex
5.) Brown - Scat (poop)
6.) Green - Hustler/Prostitution
7.) Grey - Bondage
8.) Orange - Anything Goes
9.) Purple - Piercing
10.) Red - Fisting
11.) Yellow - Water Sports (peeing)
There is also a supposed '***** Pride Day' that is called 'Alice Day' that happens on April 25th (April also being Child Abuse Awareness Month). The first time Alice Day was mentioned was in 2009 by a blogger named Lindsey Ashford after she infiltrated ***** chat groups where she allegedly saw them discussing the day; Saying it was a day to "Embrace the gift of girl love/life and relationship of Alice and Lewis". Though I have found other articles stating 'Alice Day' going as far back as the 90's.
The date, April 25th, was supposedly chosen because that's the day in 1856 that the author of 'Alice in Wonderland', Lewis Carroll, met his young muse Alice Liddell at 4yrs old and became infatuated with her; Though no proof of any inappropriate relationship between them ever surfaced; Lewis saying he is 'Fond of children (except boys)'.
- by Lucifer Hellven |
- Non Fiction
- | Submitted on 05/02/2019 |
- Skip

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