Walking the halls of a normal Middle school in the middle of normal Arlington, Texas. Is two not so Normal 14 year old girls. Aurora, a weathly, nice blonde haired girl. with beautiful green eyes, and Raven, a rebel child on the wrong side of the streets whose parents are dead and she lives with her Aunt who hates her. Aurora and Raven are best friends its strange that two girls that are so different can be friends. Raven and Aurora never really thought about scary things like Vampires and Werewolves they thought it was fake and why bother believeing it , if they are fanstaty? but what they didn’t know is that Vampires and Werewovles are very rare but they aren’t fanstaty. Where do you think these people make up theses stories of Dracula and Van Helsing. its because they did exsist. No one just makes up stories there is background behind them, there is a truth. and Vampires and werewovles are real because frankly Aurora IS a Vampire she just doesn’t know it yet. And Raven IS a Werewolf she doesn’t know it either......
“ Aurora isn’t feeling so good Raven i think you should come back later. She is really pale and blood shot eyes.” Says Aurora’s mother with panic.
“ Oh, Okay Mrs. Vald i will just call her later i guess.” Raven says with disappointment.
“Ok thanks sweetie I will see you later”
“Okay bye Mrs. Vlad.”
Raven walks back home and starts thinking about Aurora ‘every month she is like this that isn’t heathly! I think maybe she is hiding something from me. or just blowing me off every month! Ugh maybe she doesn’t really like me... What am i doing its the same with me instead i turn a dark tan and have a really high fever. oh well. I will call her later.’
While Raven walks home Aurora was thinking the same thing. ‘ Whats the matter with me?! Am I prone to germs? Whats going on? What does Raven think ughh why do i keep hearing my mom’s heart beat?! Raven... Raven...’ She falls into a deep sleep.
When Raven finally got home. She started to see the moon. Raven Always wonders why she is to draw to the moon. Every time it was full she notices her self staring at it. She never knew why. it just happened. She always thought of it as a powerful orb of light that could do anything if she just thought. She was always hot even on cold days she would be wearing shorts and a tank top. everyone thought she was crazy but she didn’t care because her best friend always cared for her and that was all that she needed.
The next day, Raven woke up and got ready for another boring day, hopefully Aurora is feeling better so she can make it through the day without someone bullying her about her lifestyle, Raven has always had it rough, Her parents passed away in a car crash and her aunt felt it was her fault that her sister is dead. her aunt thought Raven was the spawn of the devil and that she traded her parents souls. Her aunt is very superstitious and very religious, and just because Raven's fashion choice is... out there doesn't make her a devil worshipper.. She wore that black for every occasion, She didn't know how to explain it she just liked it.
When Raven stepped out of the door and started her walk to school hoping that Aurora will be waiting and ready to go with her. Happily she was she was standing outside her door like every normal day with her nice long blonde hair resting on her shoulder like always and wearing of course something pink and glittery. Raven always felt pink horrible but it did look good on aurora.
"Hey! sicky!" Raven teasingly yelled
"haha Just be happy I not dead" she spat at her
"Woah, someone has got an attitude today"
I'm not really happy if you know what i mean... Gah why is it that every month i go all deathly sick.. it feels like i'm slowly dying inside!"
"Oh don't be so melodramatic Aurie!" Raven said using the nickname that Raven gave her when they started being friends,
"I'm serious I must have cancer!"
"you got to get into theater!"
"shut up!! I'm scared Rave!" Aurora said looking into Raven's eyes, Raven can see how scared she was she was as frightened as little homeless kitty.
"Aurie Its all going to be all right I'm sure about it!" Raven assured her even if she wasn't completely sure if she will
"Okay lets get to school"

- Title: Trapped within the living
- Artist: Amadso
- Description: A story about vampires, love, adventure, werewolves, and the power of friendship
- Date: 02/07/2013
- Tags: trapped within living
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