Queen of Elves: Part two.
I looked around the corner, to see if I could catch a glimpse of what it might be. Then I saw it! It was a Plouya. One of the worst enemies someone could face, not many who are up against them live to tell.
Now I had to be even more careful. Damn, how the hell am I supposed to get us past it! The plan I had made before now, it wouldn’t work now that there was something such as that! There is no way I could fight against a Plouya! I would most certainly be killed if I try. Just then the Plouya looked toward where we were hiding! I hid back around the corner. (Damnn!) I though. What if it had seen us?? I held my breath. Waiting, to see if it had seen us. Apparently it hadn’t. The Plouya snorted then turned around, walking off in the other direction. I gasped in relief, “Thank the gods” I whispered. I heard a crash, I looked around the corner again. It was the Plouya, it had smashed into the wall in anger. All the guards were running toward the beast trying to tame it. I took that chance to make a run for it! Unfortunately, not all the guards were helping with the Plouya. I hurried and half dragged- half carried Xiaon into a gap in the wall before they could see us. (Almost got caught! I must be more careful!). I waited until the chaos had gotten worse, much worse. By then all the guards were trying to calm the Plouya. Well, not ‘all’ the guards, all the guards that were still alive. I was able to half drag Xiaon to the gate. But, there was one problem. I was right, the gate required a key to open! Damn! Where could the key be?? Then I had a thought, what if the same key that was required to open the cell would open it? So, I searched my pockets for the key. Aha I found it! I pulled it out of my pocket, and tried it on the gate. Yes, it worked! I opened the gate as quietly as I possibly could. Then I dragged Xiaon out with me, and then closed the gate behind us. Now all I had to do was get us back to the elven village, if only I could remember the way. With all that had happened I couldn’t remember much of anything. It was getting dark out, far too dark to try and find the way to the village. Even if I could remember the way, I couldn’t see to get us there. Xiaon wouldn’t last much longer without rest anyways.
And so I decided we should make camp for the night. While I was trying to get a blaze going, to keep us warm, Xiaon was trying to get some rest. I couldn’t seem to get a fire to start, probably because the wood I was using, was slightly damp with rain water. I sighed, at least we had been able to get out of the Dark Castle. After about an hour of trying to get a fire to blaze, I gave up. I tried to get some rest as well, but I couldn’t seem to fall asleep. I was thinking about too much at the time, the Queen, the village, and of course the Plouya I had seen. I had never actually seen one before, I’ve seen them in books and such, but never in person. It was frightening, such a large beast it was, at least ten times my body, maybe more! After awhile of trying to sleep, I was finally able to fall asleep.
The next morning I awoke, it was quiet, far too quiet. I sat up and looked around, thinking something had happened. My eyes darted around the camp I had made. But, I didn’t see Xiaon. Where is he? I wondered. What if something had happened while I was asleep?? What if they had captured him again??
I stood up quickly, and started to worry. I reached down and grabbed the sword I had stolen from the guard. Then I heard a noise behind me, I turned around quickly with the sword in my hand, ready to strike if it was one of those guards. But, luckily I stopped when I did, it was Xiaon. “Hey, hey, careful with that thing!” he yelled. “Sorry, I didn’t know it was you.” I said to him. “Ah, you’re right, we need to be more careful, just in case the guards come after us again.” he said to me. “Exactly, we should be more careful then we have been.” I said. “We need to get back to the village as quickly as we can. I just hope nothing has happened to the Queen.” “Yeah, we should get going, if we’re to make it back.” He replied.
And so we started to head back to the village, or so we thought. “Damn, I don’t remember this path,” “I think I may have forgotten the way.” I said. “Hmm, well, I don’t think I know any better than you do” Xiaon said. “We must’ve taken a wrong turn or something, perhaps we should go back?” I asked him.
“Hm, might be a good idea,” He said. “Wh-what was that??” He gasped. “I didn’t hear anything.” I said.
I listened closely. There! What could it be? What if it was the guards, come to capture us again?? “I hear it, but I haven’t a clue to what it could be.” I said. Wait, I remember where I’ve heard that sound before! I though to myself. Could it be?? What if it was what I think it is?? “Th-there it is again!” He stuttered. Damn, he wouldn’t know! He was half unconscious then, he wouldn’t have heard that terrible noise back at the castle. “I think I know what it is.” I said, calmly, thinking. “Wh-what is it??” He stammered. I whispered something. “Wha-what??” He stuttered. “I’m not sure, but, I’ve heard it before, back at the Dark Castle.” I said, whispering, as if I couldn’t say what it was. “What?? What could it be??” He stuttered again. Just then, someone, no, something burst through the trees, and hanging vines that covered everything..
Queen of Elves: Part two.
Yoshi Is Awesome
Part two, just in case anyone liked part one.
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